Umarex New guy and thank you.

Hello all.
I've wanted to get into pcp airguns for a while, but didn't want to spend a lot of money if it turned out not to be interesting.
I want this mostly for night vermin that want after my chickens.

I watched a ton of youtube videos about budget rifles and narrowed it down to 2. The Air Venturi Avenger and the Umerex Gauntlet 2. I went with the gaunlet 2 SL 25cal. and a Umerex Readyair compressor.
I had problems right outta the gate getting it to air up. I watched a few videos, nothing worked.
A quick internet search brought me here and here I found the solution. So thank you all.

What eded up working was removing the bottle to fill. Knowing that the compressor doesn't register until 150lbs would have help also. ;)
I'm not sure if this compressor will stand the test of time, as it struggled to get to pressure. I got it to 4300 and called it good enough.
I put a mag through it last night, and let it sit overnight to see if the pressure holds. Good so far.

Again thank you all for the help.
Just because it says you can fill to 4500 doesn't mean you have to.

Fill your new gun to 3500 or even 3000 for less wear and tear on it's o-rings.

Your compressor will also appreciate it ;)

My guns will fill to 3600 but I've gotten into the habit of filling them to just 3000.

I get less shots per fill but that's fine with me 👍
Yeah, very new to this. I thought about stiopping @ 3500 and going from there, but I wanted to make sure everything works right when new.
I'll only be 50 yards from the house, refilling isn't an issue. I'll keep the pressure lower going forward.
It is pretty smooth for a budget gun, checking the accureracy today. If I can hold 2" at 50 yards, it will suite my needs and I'll be happy.
I bought a AGM Rattler 19 to put on it. Should be able to take care of rats, raccoons, porcupines or an occasional fox.
Heavy pig, glad I can do overwatch from the bathroom window. :cool:
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Yeah, very new to this. I thought about stiopping @ 3500 and going from there, but I wanted to make sure everything works right when new.
I'll only be 50 yards from the house, refilling isn't an issue. I'll keep the pressure lower going forward.
It is pretty smooth for a budget gun, checking the accureracy today. If I can hold 2" at 50 yards, it will suite my needs and I'll be happy.
I bought a AGM Rattler 19 to put on it. Should be able to take care of rats, raccoons, porcupines or an occasional fox.
Heavy pig, glad I can do overwatch from the bathroom window. :cool:
Welcome to the best AGN , sounds like you have a fine start .
Stan in KY.
Welcome, glad to have you here. Umarex Gauntlet was my first, as well. Accurate and hard-hitting it's just at 47-inches long and 10-pounds (scoped) wasn't going to be an all-day woods walker. Best of luck with ReadyAir compressor, I went with $270 Yong Heng, three years in, still going strong. Search "Yong Heng," in archives (upper right page corner) for details. WM
Hello all.
I've wanted to get into pcp airguns for a while, but didn't want to spend a lot of money if it turned out not to be interesting.
I want this mostly for night vermin that want after my chickens.

I watched a ton of youtube videos about budget rifles and narrowed it down to 2. The Air Venturi Avenger and the Umerex Gauntlet 2. I went with the gaunlet 2 SL 25cal. and a Umerex Readyair compressor.
I had problems right outta the gate getting it to air up. I watched a few videos, nothing worked.
A quick internet search brought me here and here I found the solution. So thank you all.

What eded up working was removing the bottle to fill. Knowing that the compressor doesn't register until 150lbs would have help also. ;)
I'm not sure if this compressor will stand the test of time, as it struggled to get to pressure. I got it to 4300 and called it good enough.
I put a mag through it last night, and let it sit overnight to see if the pressure holds. Good so far.

Again thank you all for the help.
Maybe keep your reports on your new Gauntlet SL coming? I heard Rick Eutsler speak about this revised model very enthusiastically when he first tested one, saying something like "they did a whole lot more to this gun than just adding a side lever." It sounded like the revisions to the SL model were quite positive in the overall performance & capabilities of the gun.