New guy question.

Most, (not all) GX compressors are designed to fill guns or very small tanks only. They are not slow when used for that, unless you call topping off my Brocock 480cc bottle in a couple minutes slow.
As to parts, well, do some searching. GX USA has all the parts available, and TargetForge also sells GX parts. I've ordered from both and had instant success. Funny thing is, I ordered some parts to have on hand, and have yet to use a single one in over 2 years, and between me and my neighbors we have six GX compressors going.
Most, (not all) GX compressors are designed to fill guns or very small tanks only. They are not slow when used for that.
As to parts, well, do some searching. GX USA has all the parts available, and TargetForge also sells GX parts. I've ordered from both and had instant success. Funny thing is, I ordered some parts to have on hand, and have yet to use a single one in over 2 years, and between me and my neighbors we have six GX compressors going.
Well thats good but from what ive seen id rather have the tuxing the gx costs way more
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Filling a large tank is one thing, topping it off is whole nuther dealio.
I have had a Shoebox Booster/Compressor for about 10 years and while there is maintenance at specifically given intervals, it in general lasts a long time. Some say that it's too slow....well, it IS if you're FILLING a large tank.
However, if you're TOPPING OFF a large tank, say from 3,800 to 4,300PSI, it takes about 35 minutes and allows the Box to run a minimal amount of time in doing so.
Using the Box minimally instead of FILLING a tank (or a larger variance than the above), I find that it lasts much longer and is gentler on the equipment. Only filling to 4,300 instead of the 4,500 mark also allows less stress on the machine. I would imagine that this tact should also be something that ALL compressors would benefit from (?).
This has been my experience anyway.
