New hammer spring in crown mk2

Ok, let’s walk back a few steps. Did you do as I asked a couple posts ago, and max your hammer out, then slowly work your reg pressure up until it plateaued?
This would be your max speed for that gun with its current hammer setting.

This is all reliant on the fact that your transfer port is on max, and your barrel is lined up with the port properly to make sure of no restrictions.

Also, if the pellet isn’t being pushed past the transfer port hole enough, and is partially blocking the hole, you wouldn’t have the full power either. To see if this is the case, load a pellet in the Breech, remove the barrel, and look where the pellet is. If any of the pellet is blocking the port hole, your probe isn’t pushing the pellet far enough. I had this happen on an impact 25cal using a pin probe to shoot pellets. The skirt of the pellet was too deep to push all the way into the barrel, and so I had to remove my pin probe and go back to a pellet probe. Problem solved.
Yeah the hammer wheel and the internal adjuster is on max, I started at 110bar @830fps and worked my way up to 140bar @890fps when I go higher the fps drops.
TP is on HIGH and I drilled a 5mm hole in the barrel TP also.
The pellet/slug is pushed far enough, BUT as I have said before the pellet probe does only have a 3.5mm hole where the air has to go through to get behind the pellet?
I did put in the so called "tuning spring" from huma today, and love and behold, I got the exact same result on same setting, 890 fps.

I started all the way from scratch on 110bar and worked my way up and got a peak on 140bar and max hammer settings xD

So I tried to look elswere and I get same speeds if I use medium TP, and that tells me that there has to be another problem, so I took the barrel and probe out and tried to meassure if the probe is to far out/in, and it looks like the probe MAYBE should have been 2mm longer into the barrel to get the full opening in the probe to cover the TP. But I cant find out if there is any adjustment to it?
I did put in the so called "tuning spring" from huma today, and love and behold, I got the exact same result on same setting, 890 fps.

I started all the way from scratch on 110bar and worked my way up and got a peak on 140bar and max hammer settings xD

So I tried to look elswere and I get same speeds if I use medium TP, and that tells me that there has to be another problem, so I took the barrel and probe out and tried to meassure if the probe is to far out/in, and it looks like the probe MAYBE should have been 2mm longer into the barrel to get the full opening in the probe to cover the TP. But I cant find out if there is any adjustment to it?
Because you drilled the TP out to 5mm?
It does, but the air i intake on the probe is to far back. But it feels more powerfull now, i dont know if its Just my head but it feels like i get more recoil now but chrono showes the same, so I May have to buy a New chrono cuz I dont know of anyone that i can try
The only difference now is the higher reg pressure?
Have you confirmed that your gauges are accurate? I’ve had FX gauges that were off by as much as 20 BAR. I love my FX rifles but they sure could benefit from better quality gauges.
I have only my psi gauge at my diver tank.
When I filled my crown now the divertank show 2900psi and my fx bottle gauge show 185bar (slightly hot).
Dont know Who to trust tho cuz the 2 fx gauges seems to follow each other atleast
My crown mk2 was shooting around 40J or something, don’t recall exactly. After few weeks in the bag, all I am getting is something around 17J on max TP and HS maxed out. I replaced the regulator last year but had no issues with it only just recently. Funny thing is that that’s the power I want out if it, still it’s making me nervous why I can’t get any higher.
Now I’m thinking maybe replacing HS could help..