New Iguana gun: What should we get?

Any decisions ? I ordered up a Steyr hunting 5A after seeing Mr Odolye’s posts with video, should be here today. I am not hunting anything or shooting in public, just think the rifle is cool.


Thank you, going to get it set up and do some shooting tomorrow at the range. 

for the way you run around with the gun and the distances your usually shooting.

a new version FX dream-tac compact w/PP & 300cc bottle in .22 should do you well with smooth and effortless cocking action

fully adjustable for your kind of power needs at your finger tips.

i have one and its a fine accurate machine when you find what it likes.

18.1 gr jsb is the best place to start, not to mention hades and cpd's.

you got several FX dealers in your state, check them out.

Any decisions ? I ordered up a Steyr hunting 5A after seeing Mr Odolye’s posts with video, should be here today. I am not hunting anything or shooting in public, just think the rifle is cool.


Thank you, going to get it set up and do some shooting tomorrow at the range. 

Use a make shift tool to evenly seat the pellets into the magazines like a modified VERY short stubbie golf tee to experiment with different seating depths. It makes an .already accurate gun a laser.

Any decisions ? I ordered up a Steyr hunting 5A after seeing Mr Odolye’s posts with video, should be here today. I am not hunting anything or shooting in public, just think the rifle is cool.


Thank you, going to get it set up and do some shooting tomorrow at the range. 

Use a make shift tool to evenly seat the pellets into the magazines like a modified VERY short stubbie golf tee to experiment with different seating depths. It makes an .already accurate gun a laser.

Thank you for that tip! Morning cannot come quick enough! 


Mr Orion she awaits your response!!! No one has gotten a reply from her yet!

Mr. Orion was busy and missed the post.

Jessica, few advices given the type of shooting we do. Stay with .22 caliber, don’t go bigger than that, but use a hunting pellet that expand, polymag, hades, crow magnum or baracuda hunters. 

Go with something short, fx wildcat, I think the wildcat might work very good for you. Check the classifier section. You do not need a lot of power, if you follow me you will see I tune my gun down, try to reduce your liability.

I dont know your budget but a wildcat will do wonders for your shooting style.

Mr Orion she awaits your response!!! No one has gotten a reply from her yet!

Mr. Orion was busy and missed the post.

Jessica, few advices given the type of shooting we do. Stay with .22 caliber, don’t go bigger than that, but use a hunting pellet that expand, polymag, hades, crow magnum or baracuda hunters. 

Go with something short, fx wildcat, I think the wildcat might work very good for you. Check the classifier section. You do not need a lot of power, if you follow me you will see I tune my gun down, try to reduce your liability.

I dont know your budget but a wildcat will do wonders for your shooting style.

She seems to be even busier! Well, I will thank everyone for taking the time to post. And hope she is ok, she posted asking for help but never replied.