New Marauder .22

l Just got my new synthetic Marauder today. Fed Ex dropped it off at my FFL this morning (yes IL says that anything larger than a .18 that shoots faster than 700fps a firearm
). I got it all set up with the package scope that Pyramid sells with them, a Center Point 4-16 x 40. I got it dialed in and was able to to get a very food group (for me) at 25yrds. I can cover the 10 shot group with a nickel. I was shooting the JSB Match Diablo 18.13g round nose. I was so worried after reading the problems with some of the other .22's I guess I got a good barrel. By the way this is straight out of the box with no other adjustments other than installing the scope and sighting it in
. I'm sure with time it will get better, but I am pleased with these early results.