New marauder .25

My 2 cents. Shoot it and have fun until you are ready for that next step up. I started with the Marauder. The first time I took it out was a 50 foot indoor range. It stacked 8 shots right on top of each other no ragged edge. I had about 3 pellets it really liked. I looked into doing some work on it. I seen what people were doing and the money and time that was spent then you can't get your money back out of it. A lot of the changes were only taking me from 16 good shots to maybe 20 to 24 good shots (25 cal). Unless you are the type that likes to tinker rather than shoot. Mine shot great and I never touched a setting from factory. I only took a 125.00 hit from buying it and I put 2500 rnds through it. It got me hooked and so I stepped up to the FX impact and I have a gun that is moderated and has factory engineered places to adjust whatever you want. 
I am not trying to put down these guys that do the mods they do amazing work and have great results. The bottom line is for me is when I want something different I don't have the money to keep every gun so I have to sell one to help purchase the next one and if I put a bunch of money customizing most of the money is lost when I sell it. So that is my 2 cents for what it is worth.
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I concur with Aj's suggestion with a WAR hammer (NBH) to save air. Oh, and if you decide to install a WAR or Hill Depinger and while you're tuning think something is wrong because all you hear is the sound of the hammer slapping the valve, you're doing good. My experience with a WAR NoBounceHammer AND either a WAR or Hill Depinger in my Marauders really quiets down the report. Best of luck and have fun with your Mrod.

 Marauders do come with a "depinger" installed and some are satisfied and don't mind the sound. It's just personal preference and the depingers from WAR & HILL was thrown out there as an option to eliminate the ping if you find the ping annoying. I've lost some hearing through the years so I don't mind a slight ping. Also, there are DIY Depingers on YouTube as an alternative.
The factory depinger in the Gen2 guns is a joke. I have a whole box of them as they are useless and better off used as a door stop. The War and Hill depingers are very good quality and work well. I don't use depingers because I like to have as much tube volume as possible, but that is a different story. As far as spending money on a marauder, it is a personal preference. I have a couple of guns that I have over $2000 invested in. Many see that as crazy, stupid, whatever you want to call it. The marauder isn't a stepping stone for me. It is a platform that I build off of and perfect to the best of my ability. What I end up with is a fully custom rifle that is flawless and will shoot with or out shoot guns like ,FX, daystate, cricket, etc.