New member - Going to be getting a PCP soon. Thoughts?

Luis, not imho! I see no denigrating in your post, only a statement of personal preference. I, too, feel the same as you & don't ever remember anyone being offended (or feeling denigrated) by my expression of that. Don't let it bother you pal. You were polite, respectful & truthful, as always.
He and I have made peace… just a misunderstanding… 🙏
Hello AN!
New to the updated world of airguns. Used to "play" with Air back in my youth and after being in the firearm world for some time (Tinkering, Building and designing) I wanted to take a stab at something new.
I live in WA state who have cracked down on a lot of gun availability and so far has ignored air.
Wanted some advise and opinions on where to start and what to avoid as to ideas and hardware.

My list of what I want one for is a little long. I know I will need more than one to fit, prob more... then the question of where to start, List is mostly in order of my priorities to meet.

1- Like the idea of power from air. Id at least want to be able to know I can match the power of a 22. I don't hunt but feel drawn to some big bore just because.. not sure why other than its interesting (old) refined cool tech.
2- Like the auto and full auto options. Seems fun and seems something that will go away as laws (sadly) progress.
3- quiet. or semi quiet for backyard/garage use, Moderator and chambers will be my friend.
4- young kids getting into guns and training for use. I like the idea of less noise with them at least at first. Lets them concentrate on form, safety and use. I want a real gun used and not airsoft BS.
5- target accuracy.
6- some tinkering/modifications (after getting up to speed on how/what works). I can 3d print near anything I find or design so guns with a flowing around that would be great.
7- want a good value. IE I'm not cheap, I want to save where I can. But I don't want to wish I spent more later as will cost me more down the road. Used is for sure an option for me if practical. I don't need the "best", but I want the best option for me.

what I have in my head as contenders is also a wide angel as per the above. Not all fit every aspect but want to group them in best I can.
- Western rapter 357(SEMI) or .30(FULL)
- Western Sidewinder (any cal) BTW anyone know if the barrels are caliber changeable and if so cost effective?
- Hatsan Blitz 30 (power, full then another low cal for quiet and kids, etc)
- Daystate xxx Wolf (midddle road, do most)
- EDGUN LESHIY 2 ($$ no full but ticks most)
- FX Maverick (understood these were cal trappable with barrels at a reasonable price).
-Tiapan Veteran (middle road, do most)
- Rainson Edge (meets a lot of the above and cheapish. Allows a bigger bore or auto to be bought too like blitz)
- CRICKET II TACTICAL 60(Ticks a lot as well)

So with any of that, what would you say to be aware of, migrate towrd or away from and what to watch out for.
Any other options one would point me to?
I myself have only been into airgunning for about a year. I have an airforce Texan CF long barrel in .457 and love it! It is powerful enough for anything I shoot. I also own a dragon claw 2, and Gauntlet 2! I like them both. I shoot the gauntlet more than anything because it's in 0.22 in the pellets are cheaper than slugs, lol. If I was going to give you any advice I would tell you to not skimp on anything you buy for air gunning! Don't go with the cheap stuff, get what you need, quality stuff! If you do not you will only end up spending more money in the long run!!! I learned that the hard way!!!😂🤣
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