Currently NC has no caliber restrictions and air rifles are green lit. I shoot inline muzzleloaders so I am used to shooting 125 yards. For my current application, the chicken coop is about 50 yards from the back window as I have predators decimating my flock.@Tusk11 Welcome to AGN. I hope I didn't miss the answer to this question but reading over this thread I'm wondering within what range do you wish to shoot? Or within which range do you usually shoot? Within which range are you comfortable shooting black powder? As for caliber, that will likely be largely dictated by your state DNR agency, regs, and/or laws regarding hunting with airguns.
I'm still torn on what rifle to get but I believe the .357 is going to be a good fit for me. I don't plan on taking whitetail with but you never know.
If budget wasn't the issue I would opt for a Western Rattler. So for now the Texan and Bulldog are my contenders. I realize the bulldog does not have as much knockdown power but it is a repeater so that is why it's being considered.
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