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Hello everyone! This is my first post/thread, I just wanted to say hi and ask for any and all suggestions or recommendations on where to begin the dive into PCP's? I've been shooting for 20+ years and have recently fallin back in love with airguns!? Of all things, right? They're just more fun too me for some reason? And my wife enjoys them too so it's win/win! Anyway, we recently introduced our son (12yrs old) to the hobby, which he's been loving btw, and I'm now wanting to dip my toes into the PCP pond. So far my only experience with airguns has been old-school pump-actions, co2's, and break-barrels. So PCP's airguns seem like a whole other world too me.
I guess my biggest questions/concerns would mainly be focussed around things like: Where should I begin? What are the absolute necessaties for getting started? And safety... Like, is there anything I should know in regards to safety associated with PCP airguns, that wouldn't be an issue with say a standard pump or break-barrel type airgun? Thank you all in advance and I look forward to getting to know this community!
I started modestly with a used 22 cal benjamin marauder a year ago and I am glad I did . PCPs all have one thing in common and that is adjustments or as they say tuning . I have sense upgraded to the next level with a .25 cal Avenge X bottle gun for 100 yd shooting and doing well thanks to my schooling with the M-rod . The next one will be a FX M-4 . I have learned by tearing down these guns greatly also . Necessaties include chrony for tuning and air- compressor or bottles for air. As far as safety goes just like firearms except for high pressure air and it poeses no more of an issue than reloading powder and primers. They ALL NEED RESPECT! I know all your questions will be answered but I am to slow . Good luck and I already know you all will have great fun !
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Welcome. As to the above post, not ALL pcp's have to be tinkered with. There are some phenomenal, straight out of the box shooters (FX Royale, Daystate Huntsman, Taipan Veteran, etc.) Guns such as the aforementioned are a great & satisfying introduction to PCP that won't leave you frustrated if you're just looking to shoot easily & ACCURATELY! Good luck in your learning curve & hope you enjoy the Rabbit hole!
Welcome to the best forum on the web. Tons of very knowledgeable, mostly friendly folks here.
As stated, do your homework by reading all of the various topics that relate to PCP's, you'll find most everything needed to know here.
Something that you don't understand, ask. There are folks here that will give you expert advice.

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Hello everyone! This is my first post/thread, I just wanted to say hi and ask for any and all suggestions or recommendations on where to begin the dive into PCP's? I've been shooting for 20+ years and have recently fallin back in love with airguns!? Of all things, right? They're just more fun too me for some reason? And my wife enjoys them too so it's win/win! Anyway, we recently introduced our son (12yrs old) to the hobby, which he's been loving btw, and I'm now wanting to dip my toes into the PCP pond. So far my only experience with airguns has been old-school pump-actions, co2's, and break-barrels. So PCP's airguns seem like a whole other world too me.
I guess my biggest questions/concerns would mainly be focussed around things like: Where should I begin? What are the absolute necessaties for getting started? And safety... Like, is there anything I should know in regards to safety associated with PCP airguns, that wouldn't be an issue with say a standard pump or break-barrel type airgun? Thank you all in advance and I look forward to getting to know this community!
Welcome to the best AGN !
you said you like to tinker , that is good ! but i would still say to start with a 22 cal Benjamin marauder . it is a great starter gun and you can give it to your 12 year old in a bit when you buy something better . This is a great way to learn the "ropes". Right now you need to concentrate on how you are going to fill with air . I would suggest first a hand pump (and yes the Chinese ones on Amazon are good enough also great as a back up)
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Welcome to the Group! When I see your screen name, I can't help but think of Scalia. LOL
I'm assuming you're referring to Justice Antonin Scalia? Honestly, it's a reference to a Image comic book series ["Wetworks"] from the early 90's penned by Whilce Portaci. But I am aware of the CIA/KGB euphamism associated with it too.
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I've seen a few Benjamin Marauder recommendations, and Benjamin is definitely a name I trust (I own a few of their break-barrels), however with the cost of one of those and even a cheapo compressor that's a rather high cost-of-entry (nearly $1k) for me rn. I was hoping to stay under $500 to get started..? If that's even possible? I do know this is by no means a cheap hobby (PCP's I mean) as I've been skirting around the idea for a few months now, so I have seen the price tag on some of these things can get quite a bit up there. But if possible is there some sub-$500 entry point options you guys might recommend including a hand-pump or cheapo compressor? I should probably start another thread for that questiomn, huh?

Oh and while I'm thinking of it, I'm totally kicking myself in the nuts because I missed a bnib Benjamin Hand-Pump being sold here in the "Classifieds" section by a few hours!? I didn't have enough time-in here at AGN to pm the guy selling it. lol! figures
So here's a quick question, there's 3 very good options in the same price range on that link: a Marauder Synth in .25, a Marauder Synth. w/LW barrel in .22, and a Cayden in .22, all 3 refurbs, all 3 are the same price. Currently all my break-barrels are .22 and I've wanted to go up (at some point I really want to move to big-bore PCP's) in hopes of shooting slugs for more consistency at longer ranges 100yds+, however I don't think any of these can shoot slugs?... So I'm leaning towards the two .22 options. I've read a lot of great things about the Cayden and of course the Marauder too, so I guess I'm wondering if any of those stand out to you guys and if so which one/ones? Also, is the LW barrel worth the extra money or is it just marketing bs?