New member looking for help to ID airgun

Hello to all. I’m looking for some help to ID this airgun. I acquired it about 15 years ago and haven’t shot it much over the years. It’s a side lever springer that shots fairly straight mounted in a beast of a stock that may have been shortened at some time in its life. Just looking for info out of curiosity.

Here is an article on your air rifle

Here is an article on your air rifle

Thank you! I just stumbled across that link.
Here is another Blog. Same guy.
I’m going to guess that the internals of your side lever are very similar to the under lever. If you are up to it. I’d recommend completely disassembling your gun and giving it a good clean and lube.
I picked up the under lever version a few months ago.

OP's version of the TS45 was most likely made by EMEI, which purportedly evolved into SPA. Though a couple different manufacturers were involved.

Here's mine, in rough shape, but I like it because it has that Vietnam vet-bringback "patina" to it:



Its also a tack driver, hard hitting and laser accurate for plinking.
To nerd out a little further (because I really like these guns), the TS45 gradually evolved into the B5 which most folks will remember as the AK-looking rifle with the side folding stock.

That rifle went through a few iterations. Here are two variants. The first is an earlier import, while the second is what was produced up until just recently.



There are some minor, mostly aesthetic, differences such as the the foregrip, sling swivels, scope rail, and angle of the stock when folded.
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