Hey guys I come here seeking guidance on a new venture. Im an avid hunter for 25 years and am looking to fill the gap of the year with some small game hunting with an air rifle. Squirrels, rabbit and coon control would be my main uses.
I live in NJ and our fun laws do not allow any "noise dampening devices". I usually am of the opinion of buy once cry once but the upper tier of PCP's has me questioning that. With all the regulated or not regulated rifles, pump or hand pump I'm a little apprehensive. If you were to buy a starter that you could grow into what would you buy and why. Im set on a .22 but besides that I am all ears to the veterans of the sport. Thank you for your time and information.
I live in NJ and our fun laws do not allow any "noise dampening devices". I usually am of the opinion of buy once cry once but the upper tier of PCP's has me questioning that. With all the regulated or not regulated rifles, pump or hand pump I'm a little apprehensive. If you were to buy a starter that you could grow into what would you buy and why. Im set on a .22 but besides that I am all ears to the veterans of the sport. Thank you for your time and information.