N/A New pcp

Hello every one
I am fully new with pcp
I was shooting spring now want to move to pcp
Any idea where to start from for a good pcp an good scope
Is reximex throne 2 a good option?
Dont want to change every month rifle and scope
I would like to keep one for long time

And sorry for my bad english
Hello @brayhi

First off welcome to the best air gun Forum where you will find a good group of folks.

Study / think real hard about what you "want, expect, use" from your rifle. A lot of guns do a lot of good shooting but many times for a specific use. So take your time, see what folks offer here and then buy the "best" ( dollar cost ) that you can afford. Be sure to take into consideration the other cost: ammo, scope, compressor, etc.

Good luck and have a great day,
Oh, the venture into pcp from springer, additive. 🤯 At this point in my try and buy, look at older model offerings in the used air rifles - don't get wrapped up in the latestest and greatest. While $ may be subjective, one can really stretch their buying power to peformance with older and the end result just might put a huge smile on your face. Yes, know your style and purpose for shooting. I prefer compacts for quick mobile, compact, and stealthy quiet work on pests and avoiding unwanted attention. My personal blunder is a Prophet / II as its definitely a bench rifle and even in compact form ... its one heavy piece of kit unsupported. I'm not a young lad anymore.

Can't say I adhere to my comments here, gosh I'd like to have high to low dollar stuff. My better half ( the wife ), yes tries to keep me inline and reasonable. I'll say she has been more than forgiving. She has been completely happy with her HW30 springer, likes the simplicty. I have been working on her to get into PCPs, not working.

Let the forum know what you go with.
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Hello every one
I am fully new with pcp
I was shooting spring now want to move to pcp
Any idea where to start from for a good pcp an good scope
Is reximex throne 2 a good option?
Dont want to change every month rifle and scope
I would like to keep one for long time

And sorry for my bad english
Welcome to the Rabbit Hole®. You don't say where you're located.
Hello, the first thing you need to figure out is how you will fill your pcp. Anything with a bottle/tank is going to need a compressor, and the good ones are pricey. If you get something with a tube reservoir you will be able to hand pump if you are physically able. For my money something like an FX Wildcat Tube Compact would be a great first/last pcp. You can handpump and very good performance/accuracy. Parts will be around for a long time and they are fairly simple in design and have a wonderful reputation other pcps will never reach. The new FX DRS is likely going to be an even better option, but they are so new we need to see how they do long term.