New pistol from FX, whaddya guys think? will be over 500fps and that will make it a restricted weapon in Canada. ☹️
All depend how the "naming" will be printed on the box by the MFG ... carabine, or a pistol =handgun.
Same happened back in time when the PP700-750 series surfaced - unfortunately printed as a pistol and no matter what you do with it (add a longer barrel and longer stock) stays as a pistol (handgun).
I do have a RPAL, but didn't wanted to have an airgun pistol as restricted, so I abandoned the PP's completely.
Will see what AGS will say about, looks like the company on a longer trip.
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Likely a solid barrel like the ranchero, can't imagine they'd put a liner in a 4in barrel system
It looks to be longer than 4 inches. If you look at how far back it loads, that barrel runs almost the full length of the gun. Maybe 8-10 inches. Hard to tell in the video. Can't tell how far it runs to the business end either because it looks like it has some sort of baffle/air stripper/harmonic balancer/shroud thing at the end of the barrel. But unless it's actually long enough to use the 320mm liner they already make, I agree that it's probably a solid barrel.
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At first glance, "Nope!"
For a pistol to be useful, it needs to be streamlined and easy to carry. I can't imagine a holster for that thing with that side lever and gauge.
They would be better off to call it a carbine.
You would be better of with a 1911 in .45 if consealed carry is needed.
It looks to be longer than 4 inches. If you look at how far back it loads, that barrel runs almost the full length of the gun. Maybe 8-10 inches. Hard to tell in the video. Can't tell how far it runs to the business end either because it looks like it has some sort of baffle/air stripper/harmonic balancer/shroud thing at the end of the barrel. But unless it's actually long enough to use the 320mm liner they already make, I agree that it's probably a solid barrel.
I should've specified, I was referring to the pistol, and you're right. It may not be as short as 4 inches, but I also wouldn't see it being longer than maybe six inches.

The carbine length, I can definitely see being somewhere between 8 to 10"
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You would be better off with a 1911 in .45 if consealed carry is needed.
A bit off topic, don't you think?
I regularly carry an airgun with me in the barn for vermin that show up for dinner at feed time. A pistol should fit in a pocket or holster reasonably out of the way, while a carbine is used for longer shots after they become wary.
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You would be better of with a 1911 in .45 if consealed carry is needed.
That's in the picture too. My EDC is always a 45ACP +P. Usually double stack P14, P12, sometimes a G30S for weight.
Me likey .45ACP, especially in 1911 form.
