"John_in_Ma"That thing is a Tank! So is the jack. Didn't they call those style jacks widow makers back in the day? I've heard tell that the switch can flip and the handle was liable to rocket up at the users face. Anyways that is one sweet looking setup man. I wouldn't even bolt it down, not like it's gonna move right? Looking good man I can't wait to see what it all looks like finished.
Those jacks probably killed more men back in the day than bullets. When I was a kid, my father had a bunch of them, but they was steel, this one is aluminum ( for old lazy men , like me) ) . We jacked up heavy equipment & used crossties for cribbing. I could use one of them when I was ten. We was so poor we had equipment that did not have batteries ( magneto) and had cranks to start the engines. Talk about dangerous, that engine would kick back and could break your arm, or your neck it you were so stupid to put your head over your cranking hand. " Good old days" , is a joke, today is the "good ole days"....