New shot shed planned / going up ( up and running )

Hehe yeah.

I think we are back to building, just researched using OSB-3 plywood plates in 10 mm thickness ( those are a form of plywood that are just fine with a little moisture )

I can get all i need for 320 USD, and best of all that allow us to put in a couple of the 2 Payne windows my friend have sitting out in the field, those one in each end will let in light.
Also for roof same OSB-3 plates. but i figure make some holes in the roof, and then put a see thru / opaque armoured tarp on as roofing material, that will give us a sky light too, and such a tarp are dirt cheap.
Then we just need a couple of hinges for the door, and some nails for my friends latest toys ( a Low pressure compressor and a nail gun for larger nails )

Also this will make the roof up higher, and then it will just have 1 slope.

That will save me some bucks i think, which i hope will be needed for slugs as the summer this year should be super nice VS 2023 which here was the wettest year in a long long time.
Though with a nice dry shot shed i dont care very much, just have to get a umbrella for the walk to change papers.
O i forgot to tell, a very important fact, well at least if the sun will be blessing Denmark in the future, the shot shed will sit behind some trees, and should actually be in the shade on summer days.
The shade can also be seen in the first pic in this thread.
Even i the all-time lover of the sun have now reached a time in my life where it can get to be too much of a good thing, even way up here in Denmark.

Aligned West / East with the rifles sticking out facing North
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Check around for a construction/demolition work site.
They may let you pull usable materials from any dumpsters on site.
I know I allowed people to 'dive' my dumpsters as that was material I didn't have to pay to have hauled away!
Shopping Malls are great for usable scrap. I can't tell you how many sheets of OSB I've taken off the walls in stores over the years!
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Sounds like you have a nice shed plan.
I saw that you’re going to put some windows in it, which is nice. I don’t know what kind of people traffic that may occur while shooting. At a gun range you typically have 360° view so you know if anyone is getting ready to place themselves in a downrange condition. When I shoot in my basement I have a light rope that I hang off to the side so my wife knows I’m handling my potentially loaded rifle. You might want to have some sticks out about 3 or 4 meters with rope and maybe a DANGER sign hanging from rope so no one sneaks past any blind spots since you are shooting out of a cave of sorts.
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The shed will just house 3 shooters, and i figure put the door in the middle of the back side, so you enter pretty much in the back of the middle shooter, and then you can go left or right.
Mind you this is a private place, so if we ever get to 3 shooters at the same time it will be rare, it happened one day in 2022 in the old shot shed but that's also it.
It is not really the plan to have more than the 3 shooters in there, but it is possible to set up a table outside to house more shooters if need be.

I have contemplated the chance of someone just walking in front of shooters, not least as we will not have a big opening to shoot out off, so something like that you will hadly see before it is there.
So some kind of mine tape or something will probably have to be put up

Mind you now that i am back to building in wood i have contemplated making one big opening, at least as far as in the rummer you can open 4 hinged doors to have one huge opening, and then in winter you can just open the 1 or 2 to accommodate that number of shooters and not let out too much of the warm air.
The 2 layer windows my friend have we can put in the end of the shed they are about 4 X 5 feet i think, so large enough to spot anyone sneaking up in those directions.

Behind the shed ( south ) and to the east of it, the growth of various things are very thick so i dont think someone will come thru there, they also fists have to go past the property " fence / line "

For sure we will have to be mindful of safety, also in spite of the many trespassers will be shot signs and the dog can reach this fence in x seconds how fast are you sign.
Safety and a good time in paramount.

hidden shed.jpg

This is the far corner, at 130 M distance, its here i have shot to for the past years from the old shed.
7 - 8 feet high berm in the back up to the next field, and way back past it there are houses, just not really at this angle.
I feel safe / OK shooting to here, pellet traps will also come as i dislike burying lead in the berm.
Windows for end of shed can be seen, good size will let in lots of light, and of course dual layer as that's a thing in Denmark for decades.

Previous owners of farm ditched a lot of BS here.

far corner.jpg
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Needless to say, everyone and their mother have their own idea on how they would build their shed. I’m with you as to building with wood, even if it cost a bit more than prefab.

I would build it with a man door to my back as I would be sitting, and a horizontally hinged rectangular window on the muzzle side of the shed, maybe a meter wide and 1.5-1.75 meters tall. That way in winter or colder weather you can close the man door and maybe even have some blockers for the shooting window so as to minimize heat loss. You could attach a shooting bench or shelf at the shooting window with a hinge that would allow it to fold down after removing some legs or a 45° shelf support. The shooting shelf coud be “T” shaped whereas the top of the “T” would be towards the shooter for lefties and righties, or just make it a square or rectangle.

With the windows you are considering, they can always open for additional ventilation in warmer weather and will bring a lot more light into the shed.
This is sounding more and more like a fun project.

And in really warm weather, if that happens where you reside, you can always set up on the exterior of the shed (shooting window side) and if it’s sunny use one of those quick pop up picnic table shelters. With that in mind, maybe extend the patio pavers out the front maybe 2 or 3 meters.

Just some thoughts.
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The noise inside the metal will be much greater with metal, and more difficult to insulate.
Indeed, though the old shed is also metal sides on 3 sides, and then a transparent corrugated plastic patio roof, dident get much noise there.
But yeah the metal would be a pain to work with, i cant even think of a good way to put in window in it as its corrugated.
Also the prefab shed dont have much overhang on the ends or where the gutter would be, i for sure would have used a bit mor metal to make something like that.
At least in regard to height i think these sheds are for the local Chinese market, i have not been shorter than 178 CM since the 7 grade or something.
Mind you ate some time as a kid, i grew so fast in height my one leg locked in place, 2 doctors was unable to bend or straiten it, they never seen something like that.
I was sent home and tole to not move, i of course hobbled around as best i could, and in a few days i was back to normal.

But i am now locked on wood now, and in the process saving a little money, which in turn can go towards a nice summer time present for myself.
Ordered the scope for that a few hours ago, CUZ ir was on 20 % off, and well i could not resist that offer.

Big ? is, the paint factory my friend once worked at as chief paint mixer, is it still existing and can my friend still get a good discount there, want to paint it too, not least since my friend got new compressor, and also a airless paintbrush which is what we was both taught on back in the old days getting the full industrial surface treatment educations.
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Remembered to snap a picture of the shed project last night before it became too dark.
Not much to see ATM but things will take more form soon, should get most of the framing done this Tuesday, and then its just a matter of slamming on a roof and walls.
Shotshed posts.jpg

We cut down the size a little so now the outside measurements are 4 X 2.5 M or 13 X 8.2 feet for those that still use their former rulers antiquated system of measure.
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Does it have a bar?
Does Peashooter really expect us to go over and help him
Well my M8 and me are both sort of recluses by choice, but we are able to function with nice people around a hobby or something like that.

My friend is a sucker for Burbon, i myself are more into Scottish single malts, and for sure both will be consumed in the shot shed on July 4 as that is a day we honor too as Americans with the misfortune of being born in the wrong place.
We will find place for a little oven, some shelves will also be put in for rifle cases ASO, but the booze will have to be carried out from the house CUZ we have already had visitors a few weeks ago, i assume wanting to steal building materials.

2 Rottweilers and a guy with anger issues made them change their plans.

Denmark see lots of thieves from all kind of far away countries to the east and southeast, so stolen goods leave here by the truckload every week, CUZ Danes groomed to be victims and also not care terrible much for their property as in a want to fight for it, so those kind of people have a buffet here.

Well that is, we are a few, that still do things in the good old functioning ways, but we have to thread lightly as those ways are frowned upon these days.
Well my M8 and me are both sort of recluses by choice, but we are able to function with nice people around a hobby or something like that.

My friend is a sucker for Burbon, i myself are more into Scottish single malts, and for sure both will be consumed in the shot shed on July 4 as that is a day we honor too as Americans with the misfortune of being born in the wrong place.
We will find place for a little oven, some shelves will also be put in for rifle cases ASO, but the booze will have to be carried out from the house CUZ we have already had visitors a few weeks ago, i assume wanting to steal building materials.

2 Rottweilers and a guy with anger issues made them change their plans.

Denmark see lots of thieves from all kind of far away countries to the east and southeast, so stolen goods leave here by the truckload every week, CUZ Danes groomed to be victims and also not care terrible much for their property as in a want to fight for it, so those kind of people have a buffet here.

Well that is, we are a few, that still do things in the good old functioning ways, but we have to thread lightly as those ways are frowned upon these days.
If you and I were neighbors, Id love to come over and help build the "SHOT SHED" for a drink or 2, preferably coffee, and admission!
Id probably struggle with going from FAC to sub 12 however!
The size you have selected looks perfect.
Comfortable for 2 or 3 people, and 2 dogs, and easy enough to heat/cool when needed.
Dogs are great, and my German Shepherd's feel the same way about thieves!
I have a survelience video, of the time a thief wearing a empty back-pack, came walking up in the middle of the afternoon, ignored our multiple "NO Trespassing" and "BEWARE OF DOGS" signs, thought he could enter our fenced property, and break into our unattached shop!
The video shows him fiddling with a locked door on the unattached shop, and thats when my dog came around the corner, and decided to introduce himself!
He met Ruger, my 100 lb. male German shepherd, and took off running like a school girl, and then attempted to belly flop over a closed gate.
The gate hinge broke, the thief face planted into the ground, while Ruger had ahold of his shoulder and would not let him get back onto his own 2 feet!
Needless to say, Ruger earned his keep around here, and gets dog biscuits every day, for his outstanding "People Skills" !
Anyway, your off to a great start with the shed, and with electricity and a little insulation, it should provid you with a comfortable place to shoot all year, no matter what mother nature decides to do!

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My friend have a little solar thing going, nothing much but it do keep a few batteries charged, i do think we will have to put up a string of LED lights or something like that.

A drink is also my charge, but as i generally perform later in the day it will be long past my 1 cup of Java a day time, but i run well on cold cola or something like that.
Beer and alcohol have not been my thing for decades, for over 30 years i have only been drinking on new years evening, but lately July 4 ASO have pushed in, maybe as a consequence of me ditching the funny tobacco over a decade ago.
It do not take many 3 finger whiskeys before i am tipsy, in my heyday i could do 10 beers and 33 cl of Snaps ( 45 % alcohol ) and still ride my moped or bicycle home.

We did contemplate cutting the middle post closest to the camera, but then we debated it and agreed upon a shooter there will have no problem shooting past the post
My own plan are to make the bench at the far end almost up against the end wall as i am right handed and so would never need to get to the Right side of the bench.
But we are also talking about having the benches removable in some way

We do mostly chill in the old shed as that is right beside the fire pit, in the summer that's just fine for keeping warm.



The grey thing in that pic is the fake mountain build in concrete, our G-scale trains run thru it in 2 tunnels at different levels.
It still need to be painted though, shooting for a Utah sandstone like color.

In PIC of the shed, inside it also the 2 track 13 foot railway bridge we banged up a couple of years ago. it now straddle a small pond on the model train layout that now are pretty damn overgrown as none of us have green fingers, or really the physique to work the land.
Okay back from a couple of days of dispensing lead with my Maverick, and then shed building too.

Mind you my friend is in a bad place ATM with his arthritis, so its pretty much me wrestling things alone, and i have also taken a hit, starting with a fall from a ladder, fortunately from a low height.

Still things move along nicely, though i have also gotten a curb ball from my little sister, so now aside for hanging her lights and what not in the windows, well i am also roped in as driver of the moving van, but i dont think i am supposed to help lift stuff, that would also be a disappointment CUZ there are good reasons i have been on early retirement for 9 years soon. this V8 is at best firing on 5 of the cylinders.

Snapped this pic before i left for home today.
My M8 will 2 coat some parts, and 1-2 coat other so come Tuesday i can hang more siding that was test fitted today ASO.
I did the roof 2 coats today,,,,, and i am the heavy one of us, my M8 are just 90 Kg,,,,, i am 120 KG


Also ready to bang the window in the far end wall, the frame on it is pretty rotten, so while it can go up, well i will have to do something about it next year.

What i dread the most is the couple of tonnes gravel we will need to get into the shed to put concrete pavement stones on top of, while all the gravel we need is on my friends property, well i still have to shovel it onto a trailer and transport it the 100 yards or so to the shed, then dump it there and level it later on.
So the entry end ( to the right in pic ) well that will be done last so we can reverse the ATV and trailer in there and dump the gravel, CUZ i aint shoveling it 2 times, my back do NOT like that kind of work.
Okay the carpretender have been at work again, 3 sides are now almost done ( cant close the 4 side as we need access to dump gravel inside the shed to level out preparing for paving.

Got the shudders for lane #1 and lane #2 going, but no pulley mechanism installed yet, this is going to be very K.I.S.S of course.
Also did some old lumber recycling.
And the window in the far end is also installed in the partially rotten frame, will probably have to liberate the 2 layer glass next year.
Aint going nowhere though, not even when Danish winter storms come rolling in.

Lane #1 50 % open in PIC, this is fine for sitting at the bench that will be level with the heavy horisontal beam in the front.
Lane #2 100 % open, this way you should be able to stand in the shed and shoot rifle or pistol off hand if you like.

Mind you while there are sort of 4 lanes getting made this is too crowded, 3 shooters will be just fine though the middle one will have to deal with the upright post there, benches should become slide able L or R so should not be a problem.

I have sort of reserved the far end spot for myself as i am a rightie, so only need to slide a little left to be able to shoot to the far corner of the field ( 130 M distance )
Down there is probably where the stove will be put up.


The front face done, though surplus wood not yet trimmed in this pic, forgot to snap new ones before i left for home.


Pic of a very dirty dual pane window installed in the far end wall.


The Journey continue next Tuesday.
Putting on the waterproofing on the roof ( heavy duty armoured tarp )
Painting more of the walls outside.
Additional bracing to be put inside on the walls.

The shed will NOT be done June 1, but that is only due to the tonnes of sand that need to be moved into the shed and leveled off in there.
We are both decrepit old guys, my M8 especially with his arthrithis, so while we have a ATV and a trailer with a dump feature, well it is also entailing a lot of shoveling, and none of us feel like doing that a whole day, or several days in a row.

So we will shoot a little in the old shed, and then take a break and do a load of gravvel now and then.

July 4 it should be operational, and we could have our first July 4 shoot a palooza, the old boys might get a bit tipsy due to out of schedule alcohol consumption.