New shot shed planned / going up ( up and running )


Apr 9, 2021
Seeing as the 1:5 scale gasoline RC car track investment was money well wasted by my friend, i am now entering the construction business and will construct a new shot shed there.
This shed will have a Chinese diesel heater for winter, be plenty large to house 2 shooters, and as it is almost maximising what is available on my friends land the max range will be 130 Meters.

Short backstop will be a 20 foot container ( the driver tower ) that is at 57 Meters. ( we probably put targets at 50 M here, so some ways in front of container )

Middle range back stop will be a earth berm ( 180 degree turn on the now overgrown track ) its 4-5 feet tall so should do fine as is, but a pellet trap thing might well be put up there.
This is about as far as i shoot now so 88 Meters according to google maps ruler.

Finally the long range that will be the enbankment / stone wall back stop way back in the corner where i shoot to now from the other shed on the picture, but where this have been 86 Meters it will change to be a massive 130 Meters, so that should be good wholesome fun with a .177 air rifle.

A big plus, well for two fatties like us, the shed will be in the shade most of the day as it will be up against some fairly big Fir trees, so nice comfortable shade most of a summer day.
In the winter the trees also a nice wind break.

Otherwise the general direction of shooting is also pretty much clear as far as neighbours is, well unless you overshoot massive, dont hit any of the tall trees, and a .177 can fly 1/2 mile and be a problem.

The shed will start out pretty ghetto like CUZ building materials too are not cheap here either, but i recon something like 450 USD will get us started ( that is minus the heater )

New shack.jpg
That is going to make an excellent shooting range!
And I never thought about making a shooting shed, that would allow me to get an extra 40 or more yards at my range!
Definitely post pictures when you’re finished please.
I mostly shoot .177 slugs at distance and 130 yards is my longest target.
You will be amazed how good the .177 is even in wind with slugs.
You shoot a RedWolf .177 HP correct?
Shooting shed, what a great idea.
Hehe yeah the 100 M no wind range, that is also pretty high on my wish list, but the Lotto gods are not kind to me, even if i have for decades tried very hard to be a good boy, to offset my short stint as a filthy animal when i was younger.

The 20 foot container my friend got for a driver tower, well in spite of it being pretty banged up it was not cheap.

Nine 40 foot containers, i am sure will be a substantial investment ( that's a little over 100 M )

We might flip the container 90 degrees so instead of having the end of it as a stop, we would have the whole side.
But it necessitate we can borrow a backhoe or whatever hefty equipment that would be able to do that.
We are both too old and decrepit to play Archimedes with a lever and a fulcrum, that ship sailed decades ago.

I am going to do a floor plan layout on my living room floor later today, to sort og gauge how large it will have to be, we / i can not do as Soren have done as we / i do not have that kind of money.
I want to be able to house 2 shooters on permanent benches you can sit either to the right or left off depending on how you roll.

I would also want a adjustable opening to stick the barrels out off, Sorens i cant see how it could be heated up in winter with that big opening.
So i would like to be able to have minimal opening at least when shooting in the winter time, in the rummer timer it will be fine to just be able to close it all off so birds do dont start nesting in there.
I want the door in the back, so you can enter there and then go Right or Left to the bench you like, this i also think mean i can build the thing less wide as shooters will not have to pass behind other shooters to get in / out.
I do want it wide enough so just the tip of the rifle poke out.
I will also like to have it all raised a bit over the ground, i am thinking something like 20 CM / 8 Inches

I will probably add some photos later, or simple drawings made up after my experiment on the floor.

For starters the sides will just have to be heavy gauge tarp, then later a layer of wood ( boards or maybe the same plywood i intend to use as floor surface ) might be added to that so the tarp will act sort of as a vapor barrier.

Roof is going to be flat with a drop in the direction of shooting so water can run off. and knowing my cheap friend rainwater can be collected.
It will probably be the same corrugated plastic as on Sorens roof.

This also so we can just make the shed ample high in the back where you enter and stand up, CUZ the opposite wall where the rifles poke out it dont have to be that high, again to save on materials cost.
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Well i would personally not mind shooting clear thru my metal and woods work shop - my materials warehouse and garage ASO
Not least my first order of the day with a lotto win would be to order a 12 - 15 ton APC, so more flimsy cars could be parked behind it

I am not going to be fabricating and shooting at the same time, so i would be very cool with a very long building, maybe with several doors / ports in it.

I am not planning on leaving anything from a lotto win as i do not have any descendants of my own to take over.
As we say here, the final pair of pants do not have any pockets in them.
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So i did not have as much empty floor space as i thought i had, so i laid out a 250 X 150 CM square using paracord. ( 8 ft 2 in X 4 ft 11in )
At first i was like ???? that's not bad, but then upon looking at the photo for a while i think it will be better to go with the initially planned 300 X 200 CM size ( 9ft 10in X 6ft 6in

My idea was to sit on a stool, maybe a nice soft one like the bar stool i currently sit on while shooting, even if that might be a tag higher than i imagined.
But too long steel legs are a minor problem for a old Metal FAB guy.

My plan so far is to have the bench surface 80 CM / 2ft 7 in above the floor, but i might go as tall as 100 CM / 3 ft 3 in

I can also see the bench silhouette i put down using some BR 50 papers, well the wide part need to go further out back so you have somewhere to put your elbow on the trigger arm.

But this is still very rough work, just trying to get my feel for the dimensions needed, the bench them self i am contemplating have those free floating from the shed on their own supports not attached to the shed.

Shotshack 1.jpg
I built my shooting shed a little bigger, because I wanted room for rifle cases in there as well and room enough to get around 👍🙂


Usually the wind is coming from the west and that is from behind the shed 👍🙂 Have thought about adding 3 shutters to the front, but has not really been an issue 👍🙂 When it is cold, a small heater is placed under the table, which keeps the feet and legs warm 🔥
Foundation resources ordered and paid for, picking those up Saturday before i start to let slugs fly for the first time this year.

Shot shed is going to be dark, we will probably have to install LED light in it, CUZ we are not having too large openings for heat to get out of in winter.
In the summer the door of course will be left open, and let in some light.

We might actually have to whip up a sky light at some stage, but that will have to come later on

Now most urgent, sourcing free concrete patio tiles about 40 x 40 x 5 CM or maybe 60 X 60 X 5 CM ones, need enough to do the 10 Sq M or so floor space of the shed.


As you can see by measurements, foundation will have to be a taller one, CUZ my friend is the smallest of us and he is 178 CM tall, mind you i dont mind hunching over a little when setting up, and once i am seated well its going to be a while before i stand up.
So the entire shed will be " jacked " up 20 CM, which of course mean there will be a step at the door to be mindful off, but as its not a place we run in and out of i think it will be fine, if its a pain, foundation can be modified and doors lengthened.
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Foundation resources ordered and paid for, picking those up Saturday before i start to let slugs fly for the first time this year.

Shot shed is going to be dark, we will probably have to install LED light in it, CUZ we are not having too large openings for heat to get out of in winter.
In the summer the door of course will be left open, and let in some light.

We might actually have to whip up a sky light at some stage, but that will have to come later on

Now most urgent, sourcing free concrete patio tiles about 40 x 40 x 5 CM or maybe 60 X 60 X 5 CM ones, need enough to do the 10 Sq M or so floor space of the shed.

View attachment 440402

As you can see by measurements, foundation will have to be a taller one, CUZ my friend is the smallest of us and he is 178 CM tall, mind you i dont mind hunching over a little when setting up, and once i am seated well its going to be a while before i stand up.
So the entire shed will be " jacked " up 20 CM, which of course mean there will be a step at the door to be mindful off, but as its not a place we run in and out of i think it will be fine, if its a pain, foundation can be modified and doors lengthened.
please make sure you do not build your bench too short (like i did ) it gets uncomfortable leaning over to shoot . i am rebuilding now 4 inches higher .
indeed i do not want too much barrel poking out of the shed in winter.
Regarding height of bench, i am planning to buy 3 Ikea bar stools to sit on, they are 70 CM tall so that will dictate bench height, mind you some experimentation in this regard will have to be made for sure, measure twice build once as they say.
Also shed have some horizontal support along the long side, we can probably not cut into that so it define a MIN hight we can do.
Mind you all 4 corners will get 4 X 4" posts in full height, so something new supporting the wall could be done with ease.

I shoot of a Caldwell BR thingy in the front, it take up a lot of space VS a bipod.

I guesstimate a length of the bench of 130 CM / 52 inches will be fine, but might have to go to 150 CM / 59 inches which i also feel right now is doable.
Will get benches as rectangular boards, then the shooter can cut into it as he like. probably only room to do 3 shooting positions as the shed are after all not that long, and none of us are petit guys.

We will loose 100 MM of the inner measurements of the shed as it will get 50 mm of insulation ( walls / roof ) at some time.
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