Skout New silenced shroud for my Epoch.

While I am waiting for some parts to sort my gun, I have made a new silenced shroud for it.


That Looks Really Good, Great job....

That would be a good selling item IMO, just sayin'
Thanks! I already make and sell silenced shrouds on a UK forum, and others here have asked me about shipping to the US for the butt pads I also make which I will have to look into, however shrouds may contravene some rules, but in kit form that may be an option, not sure whether shipping charges would make things on the expensive side though.
Thanks! I already make and sell silenced shrouds on a UK forum, and others here have asked me about shipping to the US for the butt pads I also make which I will have to look into, however shrouds may contravene some rules, but in kit form that may be an option, not sure whether shipping charges would make things on the expensive side though.
One thing you do have going for you as far as shipping is your cost to ship to the US is Much cheaper than shipping from US overseas. (minimum 25%)
I ship a Lot of stuff overseas and it has always bewildered me why it costs so much more to do so, just another way we get the dong I guess
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