New Spanish made bullpup - Norica Viriatus

I just ordered a new Caiman X bullpup. Wish I had seen this earlier. About the same price. My wife is from Spain, so we have an affinity to all things Spanish. Eibar-gun!

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Orange, which Caiman did you get ?p

Note, I just commented on your sound question post, but it looks like it doesn't matter now !
To paraphrase my comment, no it really doesn't seem to matter right now. With the OEM suppressor segments on them, I don't recall. Both of my Caimans have Huma, Mod40, two segment suppressors on them, and both sound very close to each other.

Great little guns.

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Just spoke with UA . . . the Caiman X are on sale today $900 - $950. I called to see if I could get the new lower price and we discovered they were ust about to ship out the shorter Caiman model. to me. (I made a mistake in ordering online.) Spoke with Robert who took care of me. He let me know they were out of Dark Green Laminate in the X, but offered this brown laminate, which I accepted. (So my .25 in dark green Caiman will go back into stock.) I saved $180 from my original order from yesterday)

Caiman X (2).jpg
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Don’t buy this product at all. Waste of money. By bad luck I bought this and now facing the consequences. Very poor material is used in this. Just two things are good in this, ist LW barrel and 2nd wika gauge.

Barrel is choked but of small size won’t expect to hit something with this beyond 50 meters whereas pcps in this price range easily give groups of 1inch +- at 100 meters.

O rings issue will never resolve.

Even gauge was defecty in my case. I’m in contact with some who bought this and all are facing almost similar cases.

Studs won’t hold anything.

There is some manufacturing defects in this.

If someone wants to waste 1100$ then go for it.

And after sale services is extreme poor. Won’t cooperate at all.

Otherwise in this range (minor difference) one can find extreme good guns like Vulcan 3 m2 hmx etc.

I’ll strongly suggest you don't buy this and waste your money.



The Norika looks a lot like my much less expensive P35s.

I also bought a Caiman X earlier this year (for $1400). Mine had multiple issues with the regulator, I'll be curious if yours does too. The biggest issue is, I think, a design issue. The regulator was not venting the spring area to atmosphere between shots. So the velocity would gradually fall. Overnight it apparently vented and would start at full velocity the next day. An hour was not enough time to restore velocity. The vent path is out the side of the regulator (fine) past the fitup of the regulator to the plenum (some possibly most of the issue) and then out the vent hole which is in the area threaded for the plenum attachment. But the key thing is to shoot over the chronograph after you get it and if the velocity drops as mine did gradually getting increasingly lower the longer you shoot then it is not venting. I should have probably just sent it back to Utah but I fixed it and it is fine now. There are two online videos where the reviewer experienced the same thing but did not understand what was going on. I do not know why Air Maks does not fix this. Maybe they will in the third generation. I told Utah how to fix this but I don't think they believed me. Or maybe they don't want to "modify" the gun. I hope they will fix it for you if you have the problem.

My Huma regulator had a couple assembly problems (to much silicone grease on the springs, not enough on the O-ring on the adjuster) but that did not cause the falling velocity. It did cause the regulator to stop working but that was not hard to fix. The trigger was also badly adjusted as received but that is even easier to fix. Adjusted it has a really good trigger.