Other New surprise!

Have a surprise coming soon. Mac1 called and a project is almost finished. As soon as it hits the porch the new arrival will have its first photo shoot. I'm like a kid a few days before the celebration of the birth of God's Son. And the famous phantom, Santa Clause. Hope the UPS gorillas don't damage it. Last thing to arrive from California out of the brown toy truck was a 1952 Green Hornet bicycle that was nearly destroyed. Taped and plastic wrapped to hold the parts in. It was in good condition before shipping and in a bike shipping box. Irreplaceable, a friend in the bike business charged me way less than he should have, $150.00. It looked like it had not ever been bent up. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Be Well Brothers, Bandito.
Yes he called me about some of my preferences. We have been working on this for over a year and I had made a sizeable deposit. It should be delivered tomorrow. At one time during the past year I was concerned that he could be unable to complete the project. Heard he had an accident, that he had died, and other drivel. He came through and I won't impose a schedule on an artist. And Tim IS an airgun artist. His grandfather taught him a lot and he took it from there. Be Well Brothers, 'dito.
I called him on the phone one mid day. But he just walked into the shop, due to time zone differences. We talked for some time. After ordering a .20 cal I had to call him again and go to a 22. I had called AOA to talk about a 20 cal LD pistol I thought I had ordered used and they said No, it is gone. Thus the first call about a 20 directly to Tim. Then one day the used 20 comes on the Brown Truck. I then started the process to get a 22 from the artist himself. Probably that contributed to the time frame here. We shall see. AOA by the way, is still great in my book. We simply had a miscommunication, probably my fault. Be Well Brothers, Bandito.
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OK it is here. Now can someone assist me in putting up a photo? As in maybe I could send it to you by my phone and you put it up? Sorry to be a Dinosaur but I am still not happy with my metadata attached to the photo so I never learned to scrub it from the photo file. Also did not learn to send it to a website. I will bring the stuff to the front porch and get a shot with the sun at my back. A cell phone photo. I may use my left hand Ducksauce ; ) Er, I mean Duckfish. Be Well Brothers, Bandito.
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OK it is here. Now can someone assist me in putting up a photo? As in maybe I could send it to you by my phone and you put it up? Sorry to be a Dinosaur but I am still not happy with my metadata attached to the photo so I never learned to scrub it from the photo file. Also did not learn to send it to a website. I will bring the stuff to the front porch and get a shot with the sun at my back. A cell phone photo. I may use my left hand Ducksauce. Er, I mean Duckfish. Be Well Brothers, Bandito.
Or you could send the pistol to me and I’ll do it for you.
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I may try that one day but this time one of our airgunner brothers PM' ed me and volunteered to help the aging Dinosaur. You can call me most anything just don't call me a yankee or jayhawk. I'm from Missourah. Be Well Brothers, Bandito.
Is it true that the Missouri state bird is a mosquito?
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