New TM1000 Field Target Pistol


Staff member
From RAW


I had the same reaction, especially with the bottle on the end. makes the Talon P look pocketable. Is this something that’s designed to technically just fit in the pistol class while retaining as much as possible of the features of a rifle? can it be shot one-handed? The information on the receiver seems to indicate that it is a rifle, or maybe that’s just a quaint way of referring to the rifling in the barrel. Take a look at the grip… The drilling looks like it was done by hand for the texture so maybe this is a rifle mod

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Am I really the only one looking at this thing incredulously, and thinking "that's a pistol? 🥴"?
No offense meant, but how can you shoot that thing consistently without a rest? Looks heavier than some of my rifles. 🤷‍♂️
It has a dual purpose - at 20 ftlbs it’s a hunter but tuned down to <12!ftlbs it’s HFT legal… shooting off sticks except for forced position lanes. Now I have to pick the perfect scope for it!
Mine is in .20 caliber and has a carbon fiber bottle
So this uh pistol is designed for a specific class, Field Target, but can be tuned up for hunting. That is a big ASE pistol, though I see it is made for Field Target.I would get another stock for it for hunting. Just my take.Then again I could get the Mini, truthfully, Choice is such a great thing.:sneaky:
Technically you could turn up the juice and add a stock and use it for HFT but pistol class is sub <12, that said, this variant of the RAW platform is single shot breech loader - no magazines
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I had the same reaction, especially with the bottle on the end. makes the Talon P look pocketable. Is this something that’s designed to technically just fit in the pistol class while retaining as much as possible of the features of a rifle? can it be shot one-handed? The information on the receiver seems to indicate that it is a rifle, or maybe that’s just a quaint way of referring to the rifling in the barrel. Take a look at the grip… The drilling looks like it was done by hand for the texture so maybe this is a rifle mod

View attachment 429376
This is likely a prototype.
This is likely a prototype.
Not a prototype; that is all production parts. You can call or email RAW and order them now. The pistols are 100% compliant with AAFTA and EFT Pistol class rules. This is a custom build, because they are tailored for the shooters intended purpose. You can get them in .177 or .20 calibers and 12 or 20fpe power levels. I won the pistol class at the Republic of Texas FT GP in November with mine in .177 @ 12fpe.

Here is some info I captured on shot counts. My .177 data is not complete, because I changed from .177 to .20 caliber after the ROT GP, and haven’t gone back and retested .177caliber.

Here are the .177 cal shot counts. (More than enough for an FT match)
.177 cal FT Pistol shooting JSB 8.44gr pellets
Low Power (12fpe) 125bar reg setting
Small Tank (210bar fill) 100+ shots
Big Tank (250bar fill) 150+ shots

Here are the .20 cal shot counts.
.20cal FT Pistol shooting JSB 13.73gr pellets
Low Power (12fpe) 95bar reg setting
Small Tank (210bar fill) 239 shots
Big Tank (250bar fill) 300+ shots
High Power (20fpe) 135bar reg setting
Small Tank (210bar fill) 60 shots
Big Tank (250bar fill) 150 shots