New TM1000 Field Target Pistol

Here is some info I captured on shot counts. My .177 data is not complete, because I changed from .177 to .20 caliber after the ROT GP, and haven’t gone back and retested .177caliber.

Here are the .177 cal shot counts. (More than enough for an FT match)
.177 cal FT Pistol shooting JSB 8.44gr pellets
Low Power (12fpe) 125bar reg setting
Small Tank (210bar fill) 100+ shots
Big Tank (250bar fill) 150+ shots

Here are the .20 cal shot counts.
.20cal FT Pistol shooting JSB 13.73gr pellets
Low Power (12fpe) 95bar reg setting
Small Tank (210bar fill) 239 shots
Big Tank (250bar fill) 300+ shots
High Power (20fpe) 135bar reg setting
Small Tank (210bar fill) 60 shots
Big Tank (250bar fill) 150 shots
Lol .. Yup, the .20 is so much more efficient than the smaller bore .177

So Jeff, how does the .20 shoot overall to the .177 ?
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@Motorhead in .177cal at 12fpe for AAFTA FT Pistol, my pistol will shoot an honest 1 ragged hole at 35 yards from my sticks and bumbag in an FT shooting position. The .20cal is about .20 CTC at that distance, and I must be dead-on with my ranging. If I shot in the wind, which almost none of the courses I go to have any significant amount of wind, I would choose the .20cal over .177cal. I will keep mine in .20cal for the Cajuns and the Sonoran GP, and then make up my mind which caliber to shoot at the Nats. Either caliber, I really love how smooth the shot cycle is at 12fpe.

.20cal makes it easy to switch to 20fpe for EFT Pistol class, just by changing the spring preload, and there are more things to change to get 20fpe in .177, so if I want to shoot AAFTA and EFT Pistol then .20cal is the best choice.
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@Motorhead in .177cal at 12fpe for AAFTA FT Pistol, my pistol will shoot an honest 1 ragged hole at 35 yards from my sticks and bumbag in an FT shooting position. The .20cal is about .20 CTC at that distance, and I must be dead-on with my ranging. If I shot in the wind, which almost none of the courses I go to have any significant amount of wind, I would choose the .20cal over .177cal. I will keep mine in .20cal for the Cajuns and the Sonoran GP, and then make up my mind which caliber to shoot at the Nats. Either caliber, I really love how smooth the shot cycle is at 12fpe.

.20cal makes it easy to switch to 20fpe for EFT Pistol class, just by changing the spring preload, and there are more things to change to get 20fpe in .177, so if I want to shoot AAFTA and EFT Pistol then .20cal is the best choice.
Yea, playing with my own Theoben MFR at >12 fpe in .177, and the Production FT pistol the last couple weeks in .20, Had BOTH at one time in the R&D testing running at high enough reg set to do BOTH 12 & 20 fpe. Sadly as i knew going in a 20 fpe reg pressure would be excessive for 12 fpe requiring a much softer hammer strike. While each pistol could be set up that way, the compromise in ES value it was decided on that it was not ideal. On my personal MFR running 12 fpe having reg down @ 80-85 bar using a very light hammer & SSG worked better than a high reg setting using the heavier tho short stroke OEM hammer.

If i were to keep the Reg where 12 & 20fpe was just hammer strike tuned ... as the factory has it is great ... Just a different SSG cartridge sprung to differing rate would do that & be "Drop In"

Sweet rigs none the less .... I'd have one no problem ;)
Not a prototype; that is all production parts. You can call or email RAW and order them now. The pistols are 100% compliant with AAFTA and EFT Pistol class rules. This is a custom build, because they are tailored for the shooters intended purpose. You can get them in .177 or .20 calibers and 12 or 20fpe power levels. I won the pistol class at the Republic of Texas FT GP in November with mine in .177 @ 12fpe.

View attachment 429702
Not a prototype; that is all production parts. You can call or email RAW and order them now. The pistols are 100% compliant with AAFTA and EFT Pistol class rules. This is a custom build, because they are tailored for the shooters intended purpose. You can get them in .177 or .20 calibers and 12 or 20fpe power levels. I won the pistol class at the Republic of Texas FT GP in November with mine in .177 @ 12fpe.

View attachment 429702
I'm as far from a competitive shooter as you will find. I admit I'm a horrible shot, especially at 72 Y/O. But with that scope I just might be competitive. The scope is so huge and lashed to a very capable pistol it seems like cheating. I'm sure I'm alone in this opinion, but competitive pistol shooting in my mind should have scope limits, at least a scope weight limit,😂 maybe no scope. I found this pic so disturbing I went and read the AAFTA rules until I fell asleep.
I'm as far from a competitive shooter as you will find. I admit I'm a horrible shot, especially at 72 Y/O. But with that scope I just might be competitive. The scope is so huge and lashed to a very capable pistol it seems like cheating. I'm sure I'm alone in this opinion, but competitive pistol shooting in my mind should have scope limits, at least a scope weight limit,😂 maybe no scope. I found this pic so disturbing I went and read the AAFTA rules until I fell asleep.
Come and shoot a match in AAFTA Pistol or EFT Pistol before you start suggesting how we could make it better! You might just discover how hard it really is.
Am I really the only one looking at this thing incredulously, and thinking "that's a pistol? 🥴"?
No offense meant, but how can you shoot that thing consistently without a rest? Looks heavier than some of my rifles. 🤷‍♂️
No you're not, I couldn't agree with you more. Check out the picture on this string with with the Hubble on it. 😂🤣
Thanks for sharing this!

It's a bad ass purpose built gun.

As a pistol in ft, I nearly cleaned the ft course in SoCal this past weekend, I only missed some standing shots. Was able to shoot match high score with it too.

I've built two and am working on a third setup now. These are excellent FT pistols, and can be easily swapped to a WFTF PCP rifle.

I'm currently working on a full power tune that can easily be swapped to 12fpe for pistol as well.

Here is what it looks like in rifle/ carbine configuration.

Thanks for sharing this!

It's a bad ass purpose built gun.

As a pistol in ft, I nearly cleaned the ft course in SoCal this past weekend, I only missed some standing shots. Was able to shoot match high score with it too.

I've built two and am working on a third setup now. These are excellent FT pistols, and can be easily swapped to a WFTF PCP rifle.

I'm currently working on a full power tune that can easily be swapped to 12fpe for pistol as well.

Here is what it looks like in rifle/ carbine configuration.

View attachment 430959
Is your butt stock off the shelf or is made up of individual parts? Please give more information on your butt stock.

I have attached the current price list RAW emailed me.

View attachment 2024 RAW Price List_Retail_20240118.pdf
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Is your butt stock off the shelf or is made up of individual parts? Please give more information on your butt stock.

I have attached the current price list RAW emailed me.

View attachment 431109
I bought an ar-15 buffer tube from an AR-15 discount store, and the skeletonized Stock from a similar website. I'm unsure if I can post links for websites that are firearm related.

If you want the direct links you can pm me.

I'm glad to see the price is lower than they initially expected!
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Here is some info I captured on shot counts. My .177 data is not complete, because I changed from .177 to .20 caliber after the ROT GP, and haven’t gone back and retested .177caliber.

Here are the .177 cal shot counts. (More than enough for an FT match)
.177 cal FT Pistol shooting JSB 8.44gr pellets
Low Power (12fpe) 125bar reg setting
Small Tank (210bar fill) 100+ shots
Big Tank (250bar fill) 150+ shots

Here are the .20 cal shot counts.
.20cal FT Pistol shooting JSB 13.73gr pellets
Low Power (12fpe) 95bar reg setting
Small Tank (210bar fill) 239 shots
Big Tank (250bar fill) 300+ shots
High Power (20fpe) 135bar reg setting
Small Tank (210bar fill) 60 shots
Big Tank (250bar fill) 150 shots
i am mostly planning on buying a .20 with sm. tank would fill my shooting style . ( almost typed needs , but thought better )
Stan in KY
just went on the RAW site and it lists the .20 with a 12 groove barrel i thought RAW had polygon Or am i just brain fart? poly is 12 groove ?

guess im too late to drive 2 hours into TN. and do a hands on buy or order , not sure i want a factory assembly line one ?.
I don't think .20 was ever made in Poly. .177 can be but believe .20s have always been 12 groove regular rifling.
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OH looks like i could single shot load , i hate mags.
I, on the other hand, hate single loading during a match. You drop a pellet and knowing the clock is ticking, start to panic then blow the shot. I bought a RAW Micro Hunter with the intention of removing the buttstock with just one screw turning into a pistol. Good for PFT.
Change up your procedure ....

Sit, acquire rifle, LOAD keeping finger outside trigger guard, get position all wiggled in, Range target & get DOPE data in your head, reacquire target & shoot it !!
* Loading last is honestly not a good practice ... Once you have gone threw getting your position/seating sorted and know your dope ... Breaking out of position and concentration to load rifle is not the last thing you should be doing.
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