New to air gun

Welcome. My plastic stock 25 caliber Avenger was my second PCP. I'm up to 6 now. It likes FX 25.4 grain pellets. The biggest thing I do not like about it is the length. I bought a bullpup third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. I really like shorter guns. But the Avenger has a great list of attributes, especially for the price. And mine is accurate. It's my only PCP with a plastic stock. I will need to make it a wood stock at some point.
Welcome. My plastic stock 25 caliber Avenger was my second PCP. I'm up to 6 now. It likes FX 25.4 grain pellets. The biggest thing I do not like about it is the length. I bought a bullpup third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. I really like shorter guns. But the Avenger has a great list of attributes, especially for the price. And mine is accurate. It's my only PCP with a plastic stock. I will need to make it a wood stock at some point.
Mine is .25 also and has liked every pellet and weight I've thrown into it. I'm tempted to push my luck and try slugs
Hello all new guy to air rifle here just saying hi. My rifle avenger .25 wool laminate stock. Ben creeping the forms for a bit and it looks like a lot of knowledge gathers here. I look forward to help guidance and suggestions
Best advice is to sell it and take up a less frustrating hobby, golf comes to mind. Start asking about slugs and your mental health care provider will be sending their kids to very expensive collages. Welcome to the Rabbit Hole®
"Remember, an AN member's strength flows from the Airgun. But beware. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."

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