N/A New to Airguns Shooter

I’m an experienced powder burner shooter, but have a few “very basic “ questions about my HW30.
1. Is there a safe way to uncock the rifle or is loading a pellet and discharging it the only/best way?
2. Is cocking the rifle the easiest way to get access to clean the barrel from the breach? This is why I’m asking question #1. I’m using a Patchworm and Ballistol.
3. What and where are the lubrication points? Use oil, light grease, or Ballistol?
I love the gun, it’s lived up to everything everyone on this forum‘s has said, e.g., easy to cock, very accurate, outstanding build quality. Thanks in advance for your comments, Tom
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Loading and discharging with a pellet or two felt cleaning pellets stacked on top of each other is the best way to decock it.

Nothing should go in any of the barrel or compression area but Ballistol.

A very tiny amount of light oil on the cocking pivot very occasionally is all the lubrication it should need for very long time.
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Easiest way to uncock an hw30 is to open barrel as if to load a pellet, click off the safety and pull the trigger while retaining a firm grip on the barrel and slowly returning the barrel to the closed position. I do it all the time and no need to discharge the gun.

I lube with a very light coating of moly paste at all pivot points. Ballistol is fine to clean barrel, but I could keep it away from the compression chamber.

There are plenty of video tutorials available on how to strip down and service/lube your hw30. Good luck.

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