Apart in the shop it got worse. The threaded receiver was already too loose and rotates past alignment. Which I thought odd because this gun's never been apart. Every other threaded receiver rifle I've worked on were very tight the first time apart.
Then I found the piston seal lip was all chewed up. This explained the dieseling and huge extreme spread. There was a corresponding rough piece of braze sticking up in the end corner of the compression tube that was chewing up the seal lip. This is really bad because it'll perpetually trash every replacement seal. Effectively making the gun trash.
Then I went to the barrel. It has the roughest cut leade I've ever seen, a loose bore and no choke. I recently had a R7 sent to me with a similar barrel and the accuracy was terribly inconsistent. The only practical option was to replace it. Problem here is R8 barrels don't grow on trees.
On top of all this I messed up the only good part on the gun when I knocked it over and lightly dented the stock. Between all these things wrong and the denting the stock I almost wanted to cry. After all I couldn't sell it knowing all these things wrong with it. My only choice was to try to fix it.
I wont get into details but after a good bit of head scratching I finally figured out how to fix the comp tube. I replaced the piston seal with a Vortek seal. Locktited the receiver and did all the other regular tune stuff. I rolled the dice on the barrel as is and would worry about fixing it if it wasn't accurate. Then the weather went to ship and wasn't able to test it for over a week. Until today.
I'm very happy to say the gun is accurate and a joy to shoot. The energy calculation is a little off because the actual pellet was 7.33gr. It's actually 8.67 fpe. I'm quite proud of the chronograph numbers. A single digit extreme spread over 45 shots is pretty darn good. The accuracy is much better than I'd ever expect from a loose chokeless barrel with a crappie leade. Certainly good enough for me. Especially considering this is only initial testing in less than ideal conditions. These are five shot groups (circle OD is 0.562") at 25 yards.
After today's succesful testing I gifted it a Beeman Honey Dipper and a new breech seal
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