LCS Air Arms New to me SK-19 .22, I'm in love!

Bought her from zx10wall in the classifieds on Sunday, and she showed up today. It's my first "expensive" PCP in the family. In 4 months I've sure went all in on PCPs. Love the tinkering and being able to shoot daily. First thing I did was pull the barrel off and clean it, then pulled the Zulus off my MA2 and put it on the LCS. I have a 20moa picitinny to picitinny on the way to bring my LRF reticle back into the picture at 20x. Didn't have any issues, put probably 300 rounds thru it. Only used full auto for the video, oh the smile it brought to my face. Shooting FX 16gr for now because it's what I had and it's cheap. 21 rounds sure goes fast in a semi auto. The ease of tuning is an absolute game changer compared to tuning my MA2. Accuracy seems to be very good, was hitting a muffler I've got hanging at 175 yards shot after shot. The pellet pens I bought for my son's PP700 is perfect for loads the magazine. No fiddling and it's able to seat the pellet with the next pellet.


