New World Record Longest Airgun Hit

thats crazy


And for a change in this crazy world,
with so many rather crazy people,
and much more crazy politicians (on all sides)

is a
type of crazy. 😊

Keep it up, Altaros.
I hope you ship your lead wonders to South America, Peru.

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Hi Matthias,
thank you and as you write, if everyone in the world did only this kind of crazy, the world would be heaven on earth.

I hope you ship your lead wonders to South America, Peru.
We normally send slugs to Chile, so it shouldn't be a problem to Peru either.
We normally send slugs to Chile, so it shouldn't be a problem to Peru either.


⁍ I will do some .25cal testing at 200m today.

⁍ And I will ask a shooting buddy if he want to test some of my .22cal Altaros slugs in his new gun.

⁍ Friday I hope to meet some airgunners interested in long range. I will give them a sales pitch as well. 😊

If tests look good I can hopefully generate enough interest to make the shipping worth it.

Cheers, 👍🏼

Ok. It wouldn’t necessarily need to be starting with the 1st shot. As long as there are five consecutive shots where at least three hit the target.
So I finally finish graphic editing a video from February that meets your requirements of 3 hits out of 5 shots in row ;)

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Where was this shot from?
Unfortunately, I don't quite understand the question. The shooting position was in the family house on the first floor. When zooming out the spotting camera, you can see the barrel silencer, part of the optics and the TriggerCam. So the spotting camera is in the same axis as the rifle, only 2m behind it and at a higher height.
I thought you might like to see an interview that Shepard Humphries did with me about this record.
Shepard is from the team that holds the world record for the longest center fire shot at 4.4 miles.
Maybe it will give someone a different perspective on the whole issue of shooting at these distances and they will realize that the shooting itself is only a small part of the whole issue

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