Newbie - don't want to offend anyone.


I'm a new joiner. I live in the UK and I'm a writer for Airgun Shooter magazine as well as a presenter on The Airgun Show. I'm looking forward to contributing to the forum. 

I have just started a new airgun portal and YouTube channel - full of reviews, hints and tips and advice. This being my first post, I wanted to asked if it would be appropriate to name the portal/channel and flag the reviews. The last thing I want to do is contravene any community rules or etiquette!


Yep, us Cubans eat all sorts of Blood Sausages too. Nothing goes to waste..... when you can actually get food that is. 

Here’s my channel, I’ll watch yours if you watch mine 😂 

What really weirded me out in the UK was when this bloke asked me if I had a fag he could bump. Talk about culture shock! (For y’all Americans that’s “give up a cigarette” 
@richSaunders, I am over in the Netherlands but originally from USA. I watch The Airgun Show already on YouTube, great show and I wish we could do pesting with airguns here in the netherlands. Ironically, we have no power limits, but no hunting with Air guns is allowed without special permit and that is only normally granted to farmers who have an issue with rats or pigeons.
That's too bad, and very frustrating. Over here, in England and Wales we have to have a Firearms Certificate for rifles over 12 ft. lbs. In Northern Ireland and Scotland you need to be licensed for anything over one Joule. But we are fortunate that pest control is allowed where you have the landowner's permission, and to be honest, 12 ft. lbs. is usually enough to do the job.
Yes sub 12 foot pounds usually for rabbits down can get the job done and teaches you shot placement is everything. I’ve done some tests filming the impact of pellets into containers of water. It is amazing how much force a pellet traveling from with 11 to 12 ft/lbs of energy at the muzzle can impact a target 10 m away. And within reason this observation can then be correlated to what that same force does to the head of a pigeon or squirrel’s head.