Newbie Maverick Help

Reaching out on here to see if others can shed some light and give me some insight...

I recently purchased a new FX maverick Sniper configuration .25cal and have a question about my regulator pressures. I tried to do a tune on the regs of 95/70 after watching Steve's tuning video. I was able to achieve the first reg pressure of 95. However, when I turned in my second reg and degassed and regassed the gun, the smallest turn i could make on the 2nd reg adjuster brought my pressure up to about 85 bar. And when I say small adjustment I mean a hair turn. Getting frustrated after multiple attempts to get this tune i decided to go with a tune of 130/100. I noticed that after achieving this pressure, throughout the day, my reg pressure wound up reading 105. I'm wondering why I'm unable to achieve a second reg pressure below 80 and why I'm experiencing an increase in my second reg pressure throughout the day. I also haven't been able to hear my plenum fill after shots like in a lot of the tuning videos in the forums. From what I can tell, it seems as though the gun is acting differently from most. I'll also add my power wheel adjuster is set at 4. I'm no engineer and this is all new to me. I also set up the fx chronograph and my velocities seem to differ quite a bit. I give the gun time to adjust after each shot, but not being able to hear the plenum refill has me wondering what might be happening or if something is wrong. FX support states to contact the dealer support first so I did but thought I'd reach out on here to see if what I'm experiencing is normal or what I can try. I'm shooting only 26.54g JSB Hades Diablo pellets. One last question, I haven't checked to see which port, pellet or slug, is engaged. Which side needs to be oriented in which way to shoot pellets? Thankful for any help.
When he says HS @ 0 he is referring to 0 as wherever it was set from factory. He did not disassemble and measure as I see many guys do with the HS to know exactly where it's position really is. So him saying 0 is not very helpful as that fine adjustment could have been anywhere.
I absolutely endorse your statement. in THEORY, FX sets the HSA to 19.3. Personally I prefer hard measurements instead of wild guessing.
Yep, they are all the same, same price on Amazon and overnight delivery for me. They do fail, but they are 'cheap' enough to have a spare. No reason to have one on your Bottle. These suckers DO chew up batteries, I buy they by the dozen, batteries that is, but I've got several Mavericks.
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@HogKiller can you share how to properly set the HSA ? Wouldn’t want to leave any performance on the floor
I'm just a putz not afraid to break something. Some on this conversation are way more experienced than I am. Disclaimers said. Get some good allen wrenches, I LOVE Bondhus, ( pop off the frame /stock Carefully unscrew the adjuster, I do it over a white towel, there is a 3mm ball in there so...BE CAREFUL, they try to escape. take out the HSA/Hammer Spring adjuster, There are videos on line how to do this, I can tell you it doesn't matter one iota where in the heck you reassemble the dial, as long as the ball is in the right place, I'd use a touch of grease to hold it in place. A touch out of sequence here, but use digital calipers, if you don't have any, Harbor Freight is your friend. There is a screw on the back it's 'held' in place by a screw on the side, that has a little Delrin piece under it. You need it just tight enough so you can turn the adjuster later. Measure across the body and the adjuster screw, FX says 19.3mm for starters, this is a great time to pull the hammer weight and make sure it's in good shape and a touch of lube, I LOVE Mobile 1, my personal opinion. Put the weight back in, then the spring, then the adjuster, stand the gun on end, put a dab of grease in the hole with the spring for the 3mm bb, it will try to escape, oh a touch of grease on the inside of the adjuster is a good thing, With the screw through the adjuster place it in the hole and thread it in a bit, then lower the adjuster to capture that pesky 3mm ball, tighten down with your new Bondhus hex driver. You are good to go. it's really easier than it seems, just watch that damn ball. When you order your stuff from Amazon, you might want to order a bag of those damn 3mm balls. Two notes, 1. DO not try to turn the adjuster knob under tension, bad things happen. 2. DO NOT fire the gun with the cocking lever back, it WILL hose your hammer and hammer weight. Everything I've listed I've gleaned from a lot of videos, chats here on the forums and chatting with FX. If you need any clarification I'm available to chat.

The #2 reg pressure and the HSA screw work in concert, you set the pressure you think you want then fine tune the HSA until your standard deviation narrows. Quite often you are screwing the HSA in tiny increment's. Checking on #7 then going down to make sure the speed decreases. It's a fun process.
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If you have an Apple phone you can FaceTime me at 516-269-9657. I’ll walk you through adjusting the reg pressures to the pellet/ slug weight you will be shooting
Hey, I’m new to the forums but saw your willingness to help someone and just had to reply here. I have a .25 cal Maverick VP, at 130/90 PW 7 and IHS sweet spot (right before velocity starts to drop) shooting JSB 25.39 with an average of 883.4 ES 4.7 and SD of 2.2 which I’m extremely happy with. Here is my problem, I want to get a tune for 33.95 - I tried 150/120 w/ same PW and IHS as above but my velocity is lower at the higher reg pressure than it was using the the above tune. Not sure what the issue is. On another note my plenum does not hiss when it fills BUT my rear reg is consistently returning to 120 so I’m not overly concerned about that. Any help or opinion or FaceTime (lol) you’re willing to offer is much appreciated! Thank you!