Hello Everyone. I finally got my air compressor this week. So let the testing begin. Need to respond to some thread questions first. Ammo wise, the AEA pellets from the Pellet shop where the center punch diabolo 29.5 and 33.9 grain. From a newbies perspective after inspecting, weighing and checking out packaging in my opinion the AEA tin and the pellets are the best out of what I purchased, which was H&N, JSB, ZAN and Apolo. If i had to give an order, overall it would be AEA, ZAN, H&N and JSB just based on packaging, pellet and slug quality and Tin material. Caliber .25.
Now to address some CHEAP comments, cheap gun, cheap scope and cheap ammo, HMMM so far nothing is cheap getting into this sport of PCP. And you know what, so far this $470 gun shoots consistently shoots 1/2"-3/4" groups at 50 yards and that's with 2 short sessions of testing. If the pellet is 28 to 33.9 grains it will group them consistently! So if someone can enjoy getting into a new style of shooting and save $2000 then more power to them.
Continuing on the cheap theme shooting golf balls at 50-100 yards is fun, interactive and CHEAP targets, tie a string or wire to a pole and drill hole through golf ball tie off, you get to shoot a slightly different distance and angle each time.
Hope to test more soon, since my CHEAP gun saved me $2000 I'll buy more pellets and a trip to the Bahama's!