Newby Benjamin Maruder / Rovair compressor issues

greetings folks!

Am a newby here, just what I need is another rabbit hole!

I have a 10 year old Benjamin Marauder in .25 cal. I have used the Benjamin bicycle pump to pump it up, and it takes me a long time to get the rifle to 2800 PSI where it is effective birth control for squirrels. As I am "getting elderly" , I just purchased the Air venturi Rovair compressor so I can shoot more. I set the compressor to 3000 psi which is max for the Marauder, and turned it on. As it neared 3000, something happened in the rifle releasing some air. I shut the compressor down. The needle in the pressure gage pointed below the numbers, as if it slipped gears. The rifle shot, but was at least a foot low. I degassed the rifle, and now the pressure gage says 2200 psi, but there is no pressure. I could fill it with the compressor - or the hand pump (arggh!) and mark a line on the gage where it shoots, but I think a new pressure gage would be more effective.

Does anyone have any idea what might have happened? I suspect I need to purchase another pressure gage so I can figure out where the rifle's sweet spot is. I'm also guessing that I should replace seals in the rifle. Are there other things I should do? Then there is the whole thing about tuning. . I expect to be reading here for a while! ANy recommendations for where to purchase parts besides Crossman?

thanks for any help - spend my $
