Nice fat groundhog!

played cat & mouse with this guy the past 2 days. Missed him yesterday at 125 yds, this afternoon i seen him from my porch and tried to get closer, not sure what spooked him but when i got to where i wanted to be he was gone. Go back to my porch swing and half hour later there he is, make another attempt and a car comes by and spooks him, go back to my perch and he reappears, this time he sees me and runs, i stay there for 30 minutes and nothing, i finally give in and retreat only to get back to my lookout and there he is. This time i take a different approach and make it to the tree i want to shoot from, he is quartering away hard so i take aim at the back of his ribs and send it. Entered just in front of left hind leg, he rolls down the hill and by the time i reached him he was taking his last so i gave him a final between the eyes. 77 yd shot, FX Wildcat mkl .25 cal shooting FX 33.95 ammo. Thanks for looking.
Good looking Ghog you got there! I commend you for the patience it took to get him.

I've got one at my dad's thats evaded me for years, killed all the others he had living under his deck and burrowed into the retaining wall area. Used a 22lr subsonics for those.
This last one has got to the point he mostly comes out overnight and eats. I need to get over there around 2 am and get him. Can't believe he learned, you go out in the daytime, you die.
He will lay on the retaining wall sometimes, but spooks so easily, and the entrance to his burrow is 2 foot from him. His face is all grey and he's huge, wanna get him before he dies under the deck!