Tuning No Hobby For Old Men

I won't say much about the above but I will touch base on shooting live targets, at least in MY area....and many people here just won't like what I have to say.

Wildlife is often slim pickings, in rare cases like in Florida with invasive iguanas I can certainly see executing many in controlled manners, however, tree rats, birds (many of which are protected), and even the bees are slim pickings in my area. The most common thing here are rabbits and prairie dogs...mankind already decimated the population of many species, mostly larger game, from wolf, coyote, fox, to buffalo, racoon, possum, heck even hawks, bald eagles, and some amazing birds like great herons are a very rare sight to see here, due to mans history. Of course some of those are protective now...because...mankind done goofed.

I personally choose not to repeat that history, I shoot mostly paper. If there is a very invasive species causing damage, I can understand eliminating them, but, some guys here seem...questionable with their tact towards wildlife and/or calling species invasive. I've taken a few starlings, and a prairie dog, but that is it. I definitely don't go out of my way to go finding them in odd places outside of my home to scratch any itch, and those that do, aren't my kind of people and more times than not aren't doing nature any justice.

I am not saying the above applies to every area in the world and to everyone...but the reality is its sad to see the state of wildlife as time goes on...its not good, and the earth is no longer teaming with the abundant diversity it once was. It is why as the above poster mentioned, most of these things are heavily regulated with limits on what you can hunt both in species and quantity, and many folk here ignore these regulations/restrictions which were put in place for the sake of wildlife and maintaining a balance.

Gee, I turn 84 next week and I don't have all those frustrations. Tell me, what hobby is cheap and cost effective?

Golf? $1500 for a set of clubs that you can buy next year at a flea market for $50. $50-150 to play a round of 18 holes three times a week? Bah!
Photography? All those fancy cameras and lenses that are worthless next year.
Collectibles? Never worth more than you paid for them, probably less because no one wants them unless they have a specific interest.
Cars? You get the idea.
Women? Oh boy, there's an expensive hobby for a few minutes of friction.

If you enjoy what you're doing, keep doing it as long as you don't sacrifice food on the table and a roof over your head.
I have always thought of using Basswood for a pcp stock ? Bass wood is light weight sturdy , just does not have curley grain . another wood would be Redwood very straight grain and plent8iful for a non recoil air gun . Sure you couldn't toss the gun into the bed of a P/U truck but who does that anyway ?
a stock made of this wood would be lighter weight to carry
oops wrong thread , sorry
If I had to go to a range to shoot I would think about shooting my powder burners too. I go to one when I want to shoot 100 yards and I need hearing protection at it because there are usually some guys shooting PBs there. So why not throw a PB in the truck too? I still like shooting my PCPs but if I could not shoot them in my back yard it would be a big deal. It is so much nicer to just grab a gun, put out a pellet trap, and start shooting. Or just shoot at the know-your-limits target that stays set up.
All my guns are accurate and don't leak, but I am considering quitting airguns. I'll be 69 if I make it to 11/03. To safely shoot any gun, you need acreage with the proper layout (no houses and few people nearby), not in city/town limits (as many have outlawed them), and not in a subdivision or HOA.

I have and can afford to own acreage. Being in poor health, my body cannot keep up with the mowing and trimming that comes with that acreage. Since we have no children or heirs to leave them to, my wife frequently tells me what a burden all my gun stuff will be to her when I go. With that in mind, it may be time to give them all up. The increasing legislative restrictions tell me the time is close to realize the fight has been lost, and I may need to move on.
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All my guns are accurate and don't leak, but I am considering quitting airguns. I'll be 69 if I make it to 11/03. To safely shoot any gun, you need acreage with the proper layout (no houses and few people nearby), not in city/town limits (as many have outlawed them), and not in a subdivision or HOA.

I have and can afford to own acreage. Being in poor health, my body cannot keep up with the mowing and trimming that comes with that acreage. Since we have no children or heirs to leave them to, my wife frequently tells me what a burden all my gun stuff will be to her when I go. With that in mind, it may be time to give them all up. The increasing legislative restrictions tell me the time is close to realize the fight has been lost, and I may need to move on.
Do you have a basement or a place at least 35 ft long in your home? You can always shoot 10 air rifle or pistol indoors without anyone knowing it.
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I have no frustrations, just 85 years of watching things happen. Just came in from sighting in a new rifle, 300 yard range 50 yards from my back door. I do have to use the ATV to haul all the stuff. Maybe I should have said "the way I see it". I've lived a dream, never without a job and never lived in an urban area. But things have changed!

Please vote! Show an interest, we are 35 trillion in debt.
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I enjoy the fact I can shoot in the backyard or the basement. My city bans FIREarm discharge within city limits, I'm rural but about 200 feet inside city limits. My friend in a neighboring county can no longer shoot on his 7.5 acre property, and he has a neighbor that will turn him in. He has a backstop as big as all outdoors. I'm introducing him to the world of PCP. I'm not up for killing tree rats, my city loves the darn things! We have 5 squirrel tree rat bridges in our city, and an annual squirrel tree rat festival. I'd likely be jailed for quietly reducing the tree rat population in town. My bride would appreciate it, they get in to her bird feeders. I'm happy making tight little groups on paper whenever I feel the need.
I am greatly enjoying the Beeman 2028, seems well made. Not crazy about the magazines, I like it better single shot, the mags do work fine, however it is way easy to launch two very inaccurate pellets rather than one. I turned the power down to ease cocking it, that seemed to help.
Only thing I disliked so far, too loud for basement or backyard. The good folks at Buck rail have a 3d printed muzzle with fiber optic sight, and a 3d printed can for it. It is a chore to remove the original muzzle from the pistol, it is pressed on with adhesive. Remove the barrel, two hex screws on top just in front of the loading port. ended up splitting it lengthwise using a small diamond wheel I could glue it back together if ever needed. The replacement muzzle from Buck rail looks the same, but has threads and a thread cap is provided. I used a press to install the new muzzle, the barrel is ramped on top to square the sight when pressed on.The can from Buck rail works fine, not hollywood quiet, but quiet enough. All told? Can't beat it, less than 200 bucks all in, probably took me an hour to install the new muzzle. It does group pretty well, I've not set down yet to really wring it out. Any tips on pellets? I am enjoying this retirement thing, save your pennies kids....it is worth it!! Now I am a retired Dyslexic Insomniac, still lying awake wondering if there is a dog. However when I do sleep, I no longer have an alarm, I get up when I feel like getting up.
I'll be 76 later this month. I'm discovering that my patience is wearing thin maintaining PCPs and the associated tanks, fittings, and air compressors. I've always been self sufficient in servicing PCPs and equipment for them. The forums and Youtube are great tools for assisting users how to diagnose and fix most problems. However, it is inevitable that PCPs will develop leaks over time as o-rings harden and deteriorate, losing their ability to hold back high pressure air. In particular, I've found regulators to be a finicky and difficult item to rebuild and readjust to work after rebuilds. I enjoyed tinkering and got a sense of satisfaction when I could troubleshoot and solve my own problems without spending $$ for shipping, repairs, and dealer rebuild costs. Lately it seems I've spent more time chasing leaks and repairing PCPs than I do using them.

I'm going full circle in my shooting hobby interest. I love shooting sports but the savings in PCPs vs. firearms is less than it was when I started gravitating to air guns 25 years ago. Name brand PCPs are very pricy compared to firearm prices. Pellet and slug prices have increased to the point of losing their former price savings over rimfire rounds and reloading costs. The only disadvantage of powder burners is cleaning them after using them. But I have firearms that are 40 plus years old that don't need the rebuilds and servicing that PCPs inevitably require. I feel like the old sheriff Tommy Lee Jones at the end of No Country For Old Men. I'm tired of it all.

I'm pushing 7.7 decades very firmly, I had ZERO intention of spending my grandkids inheritance but yet here I am, and frankly let them learn to work. Maybe they'll appreciate my modest collection(s). I've gained enough knowledge that I can help others with is a cool thing, for me it's ground hog day every day, but at least I can repair a Maverick. :ROFLMAO:
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I'm 84, and believe me age does take its toll.
I have just overhauled an Original 35, a Webley Mark 3, and a Mark 1 Airsporter, and a few days ago got a chance to shoot them.
My old muscles were not up to it and I had to get a friend to cock them for me.
So it's back to my trouble free S410 and Manitou.
Hey I’ve got a beautiful AA S410 SL FAC
Walnut with dark wood snobal and grip cap
Never been opened up holds air indefinitely and shots one hole groups all day long. Boring!!!
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The run in with my neighbor happened 18 years ago. After she went on the warpath she would come over if she heard one pop that sounded like an air rifle being used. Spring guns are louder than PCPs and at the time of our confrontation there was no such thing as a PCP moderator to be had. The sad part of this situation is that most people change living addresses every 7 years on average. They haven't moved. What luck I had. Before they moved in the neighbors on both sides had no issue whatsoever with me and even took an interest in air rifles themselves. If someone wonders why didn't I move, the answer is that my wife is from here and we like our home except for this neighbor. I got used to traveling to my rifle club to use both PCPs and powder burners.
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Disagree….once you get to anything centerfire even with reloading the cost of shooting is way more expensive then pellets and air. You already have a pcp or pcps so that is already baked into the cost cake.
You are nicer than I. If my shooting at my house was legal I would have told the neighbor they just have to tolerate it once in awhile and have a good day. Airguns aren’t that loud people are just a PIA. Lol
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The crowd in this thread are all old enough to remember Gladys Kravitz, sounds like she is humdingers neighbor. I am so sorry.....
The last thing I would ever be is one of THOSE people. Don't get me going on the transplanted Californians who bought a house next to my trap club, oh that noise is so awful....thank goodness for range protection laws, we have been shooting at BKS since 1952. They still managed to cost us a bunch, if ya can't win, go after the Lead. Sore losers do that.
What ever happened to live and let live? Wait I think there is a youtube for that..... :)
Do you have a basement or a place at least 35 ft long in your home? You can always shoot 10 air rifle or pistol indoors without anyone knowing it.
I do have a Steyr 50 RF. My basement is a 1/2 basement 1/2 crawlspace, but the 1/2 basement is fully finished. Wife won't be happy if I miss or if there is a ricochet.
I do have a Steyr 50 RF. My basement is a 1/2 basement 1/2 crawlspace, but the 1/2 basement is fully finished. Wife won't be happy if I miss or if there is a ricochet.
I built a backstop of 2X8 lumber behind a target trap made from a plastic tub filled with rubber mulch. I've shot 30 cals at it. Nothing goes through it. I'm hoping you are a good shot and won't miss.
I won't say much about the above but I will touch base on shooting live targets, at least in MY area....and many people here just won't like what I have to say.

Wildlife is often slim pickings, in rare cases like in Florida with invasive iguanas I can certainly see executing many in controlled manners, however, tree rats, birds (many of which are protected), and even the bees are slim pickings in my area. The most common thing here are rabbits and prairie dogs...mankind already decimated the population of many species, mostly larger game, from wolf, coyote, fox, to buffalo, racoon, possum, heck even hawks, bald eagles, and some amazing birds like great herons are a very rare sight to see here, due to mans history. Of course some of those are protective now...because...mankind done goofed.

I personally choose not to repeat that history, I shoot mostly paper. If there is a very invasive species causing damage, I can understand eliminating them, but, some guys here seem...questionable with their tact towards wildlife and/or calling species invasive. I've taken a few starlings, and a prairie dog, but that is it. I definitely don't go out of my way to go finding them in odd places outside of my home to scratch any itch, and those that do, aren't my kind of people and more times than not aren't doing nature any justice.

I am not saying the above applies to every area in the world and to everyone...but the reality is its sad to see the state of wildlife as time goes on...its not good, and the earth is no longer teaming with the abundant diversity it once was. It is why as the above poster mentioned, most of these things are heavily regulated with limits on what you can hunt both in species and quantity, and many folk here ignore these regulations/restrictions which were put in place for the sake of wildlife and maintaining a balance.

I agree. Just to shoot something for the kill isn't right. Invasive species? Well, you have iguanas, Burmese pythons and armadillos. Go for those.
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