Evanix No Love for Evanix on AGN?

So occasionally Evanix air gun show up in the classifieds and at times members join and ask advice about an Evanix airgun. I realize that Evanix is a GTA sponsor, but what’s your take on the brand? Why don’t AGN members discuss these rifles more? The most outspoken member I’ve heard talk up the brand and their extensive experience with it is @Nomadic Pirate 66. I’ve seen a member that does reviews cover a few Evanix air rifles, but I see very few members discussing these rifles.

If you own one, let’s hear about your experience with it. I see these as hunting rifles, at least the ones I’ve looked up. Anyone competing with one? Plinking? Pesting? How about posting a few pics of what you have to accompany telling us about your experience with the brand?
Had a Gen 1 Rainstorm for a few years ...
Issues were as a lot of these rifles and there loose clones ( Puncher breaker / Kral etc ) the triggers were very crude "Snag Sear" designs.
Parts by in large unobtainable as well. as was general factory support after the sale poor at best.

While they are good looking guns, the metallurgy was pretty bad having long term service no where as good as it should have been given the price point selling for. While some created good Buzz for a couple years ... IMO honestly nothing to see here :oops:

Just my take on the question.
Idk what barrel they use, but i severely miss my gen1 Rainstorm .177. The trigger was horrible at 4.5 lbs, but it was a damn tack driver and almost 40fpe with 21g slugs. On a calm day, moa with 13g kOs going 1050. I also took a 150lb boar from 50yds with it. 50yd limit with the 21g piledrivers but it killed pop cans at 150yds with the KOs. The one i let go and would love to find it again.lol. been on the search ever since for a better made unit with the same power, no luck unless i go delta or major custom.
@Dairyboy I had to laugh at that. @Scotay42 I have read good things about the Rainstorms. I was wondering about the Sniper.

@Motorhead That’s the type of assessment I was looking for.

What type(s) of barrels do they use? Anyone know who makes them?
Barrels on the Korean guns have a history of being VERY GOOD ... Evanix, Career, Sam yang all shot fantastic !!!
While never read anything, and years back speaking with Will Piatt who was this countries "Go-Too" guy for all the Korean guns the origin/s of the barrels used was as I understood it an unknown and likely done in country tho being east asia.
They made such futuristic, down right cool air rifles. I always wanted that Rainstorm 3D they had, it reminded me of the Starship Troopers rifles, and then, they came out with the actual replica air rifle of the Starship Troopers rifle!!! That was 15 years and 2 deployments ago, but I would definitely grab one of those suckers if it came up for sale!!
I had an evanix ar6k for a couple months. Neat design with the dual action hammer/6 shot revolver setup.

If felt too much like a toy in hand, and the way the barrel sat in the breech left zero room to make a baffled shroud to get the gun to its 36" AOL length that it should have been. Not much air capacity on board either. Was very accurate though.
I love my .357 rex and rex p. They are "Utility airguns" I guess because the trigger is quite stiff. I am fond of the under lever forward cocking mechanism and the in line air cylinder and barrel. These are basically like Korean versions of Air Force guns. Condor-like but with the pellet loading barrel cutout like the texan

What kind of accuracy are you getting out of the rex and rex p? That model has some appeal to me.
When ARS in NY first started importing the AR-6, I ordered one for my boss to play with. This was the early 90's I think. The gun used a yoke on a scuba tank to charge. Lay the tank down and put your whole weight on the gun to push down the piton sticking out of the yoke. The gun was super rugged and the rotory magazine was deep. A crude unit and so loud that it completely put me off from pcp for over 20 years. It was amazingly accurate though. When pcp's finally got quiet and went to probe filling I looked hard at what had now been named Evanix, but the big problem was customer support and getting parts, so I passed on them. I really liked the Rex too, but I didn't want to get stuck with a unicorn.
People don't like Evanix because they are not and have never been regulated. I have about 20 of the full auto Evanix. Some are actually extremely accurate. My Giant full auto .22 does ragged hole groups at 50 yards an beyond. Another thing is that when Evanics was making the full auto guns.... There was no YouTube. So there was no one to tell you how to load the magazines. If you did not load the magazines correctly then it would jam. Load them correctly you will never have a jam ever... So then one time pyramid Air made a video about them and John who is at FX now said something negative about Evanix. That's how everything started... Evanix gets a lot of respect worldwide. USA is only a small part of their business. For instance when the max air came out... He sold like 10,000 of them to Saudi Arabia. It took him 1-2 years to fill the order I think. Also their factory makes guns for a lot of different brands. You may be shooting an a Evanix and you don't even know it. I think he has invented a few iconic rifles and sold them to other companies.
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What kind of accuracy are you getting out of the rex and rex p? That model has some appeal to me.
Bro...you will NOT get accuracy from an unregulated gun....it simply won't happen. If you can add your own regulator then that's different. They do make regulators for Evanix guns. Huma I think.
Bro...you will NOT get accuracy from an unregulated gun....it simply won't happen. If you can add your own regulator then that's different. They do make regulators for Evanix guns. Huma I think.
I get plenty of accuracy from my old unregulated Royale. A regulator is nice, but it's not essential for accuracy
Bro...you will NOT get accuracy from an unregulated gun....it simply won't happen. If you can add your own regulator then that's different. They do make regulators for Evanix guns. Huma I think.
Umm... Just wow! My two unregulated airguns are every bit as accurate as my regulated gun. The regulated gun has the edge on shot count, but that's about it. I think you need to qualify or clarify that statement.