What kind of groups are you getting out of it? What ammo does it like? Have you pushed it out to or past 100 yards? If so, how does it shoot at range?i have a .357 rex long barrel (gamo TC35L branded) and when its between its fill pressure sweet spot
3200-2800psi, its very accurate and makes a great hunting gun for feral hogs i have taken beyond 50yrds
with its 250FPE output.
yes the trigger sucks but get over it !!
My first PCP was an Evanix AR6 .22 Cal..... Extremely powerful and accurate.So occasionally Evanix air gun show up in the classifieds and at times members join and ask advice about an Evanix airgun. I realize that Evanix is a GTA sponsor, but what’s your take on the brand? Why don’t AGN members discuss these rifles more? The most outspoken member I’ve heard talk up the brand and their extensive experience with it is @Nomadic Pirate 66. I’ve seen a member that does reviews cover a few Evanix air rifles, but I see very few members discussing these rifles.
If you own one, let’s hear about your experience with it. I see these as hunting rifles, at least the ones I’ve looked up. Anyone compe .23 eting with one? Plinking? Pesting? How about posting a few pics of what you have to accompany telling us about your experience with the brand?
You dont know what you are talking about.Bro...you will NOT get accuracy from an unregulated gun....it simply won't happen.
first 3 shots are touching @30yrds, thats my zero with my cast 120gr rnfp sized .358What kind of groups are you getting out of it? What ammo does it like? Have you pushed it out to or past 100 yards? If so, how does it shoot at range?
I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt and asked for an explanation. I didn’t have to say as others can also see this.You dont know what you are talking about.
Tomorrow I will make a group with mine and share it here.Ontopic
Got one of those. The AR-6 is mentioned above, this is from before they turned Evanix.
Sweet little revolver rifle, have to say. Shoots very well when i feed it pill by pill. For some reason groups opens up a tad as soon as i use the revolver mag for whatever reason.
Need to look into that i guess.
My S410E was a tack driver long before I added a regulator to it. All I had to do was keep my air pressure in the sweet spot. I added a regulator mostly to improve the shot count.Bro...you will NOT get accuracy from an unregulated gun....it simply won't happen. If you can add your own regulator then that's different. They do make regulators for Evanix guns. Huma I think.
Your welcome to comment on any of my threads. Please point out any errors if you see them in my videos. I would appreciate it. ....and keeping me out of an Evanix thread is going to be hard. I own more Evanix PCP's than anyone on this forum. ..and just because you get a few accurate shots in the "sweet shot" of an unregulated gun, I don't consider that an accurate gun. That's just me though. I'm living in 2024..not 2014.I’m to the point where I’m tired of seeing @kaylaindy spread misinformation or just bad information. You rush to put out videos, but you consistently err in your presentation. Just because you have a following doesn’t mean that you should be followed. This isn’t me being mean or trying to dog pile, it’s the truth. The reason I’m saying this to you is because you did this in a thread that I started. I don’t come into your threads and comments sections with a bunch of drama or B.S. Please keep yours out of mine. Your hustle is good, but your knowledge is lacking. Before anyone want to try to point fingers, I’ll tell you if I know I don’t know something. I also make it a point to back up what I say.
I feel like any un-regulated gun will have a change in the point of impact from the first shot to the last. That has always been my experience. It's just my opinion. Don't get offended by it please.Umm... Just wow! My two unregulated airguns are every bit as accurate as my regulated gun. The regulated gun has the edge on shot count, but that's about it. I think you need to qualify or clarify that statement.
@kaylaindy I suggest that you carefully read what I posted that prompted the above reply. Your response suggests that you misunderstood a few things. The gist of what I’m saying is to keep your bullYour welcome to comment on any of my threads. Please point out any errors if you see them in my videos. I would appreciate it. ....and keeping me out of an Evanix thread is going to be hard. I own more Evanix PCP's than anyone on this forum. ..and just because you get a few accurate shots in the "sweet shot" of an unregulated gun, I don't consider that an accurate gun. That's just me though. I'm living in 2024..not 2014.
I appreciate what your saying. I am not an airgun expert. I just make videos. Sorry about messing up your thread. I didn't know you had to "qualify" to comment on AGN. I will note that on my time sheet.@kaylaindy I suggest that you carefully read what I posted that prompted the above reply. Your response suggests that you misunderstood a few things. The gist of what I’m saying is to keep your bullout of threads that I start. I’m not interested in watching your videos. This is not my first or second time stating this. I don’t respect your knowledge beyond knowing how to upload videos in good time or putting a pellet into an airgun breech.
@kaylaindy This is your second attempt within this thread at putting words in my mouth. You either have a comprehension issue or you enjoy trying to ruffle feathers.I appreciate what you’re saying. I am not an airgun expert. I just make videos. Sorry about messing up your thread. I didn't know you had to "qualify" to comment on AGN. I will note that on my time sheet.