No Name Compressor is it any good

I was given this compressor ( ) as a reward for helping someone out its new, never been out of the box . To me it looks like a Yong Heng knockoff.
I currently have a Daystate compressor that’s my everyday go to for filling my tanks I love the Daystate as it puts my old Carette compressor to shame in speed efficiency and low noise level.
I was thinking of just using this No Name as an emergency back up or perhaps as a portable unit as it is easier to tote around I’ll try messing around with it next week if I have the time.

Does anyone know anything about this style of compressor I sure is a copy of another design. Do I need any accessories or external filter to use it safely for filling air tanks. I’ve never used a compressor to directly fill a rifle which I imagine this one could.
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It's a freebie, use it til it won't work anymore! Pretty sure it'll fill your gun without problems. Definitely get a 2nd filter on there aside from the one that came with it (hopefully). If you won't be doing long runs for tanks & just filling guns I personally wouldn't spend a sh-tload on a big gold filter. One, off Ebay, with decent filter media cartridge will do. You can always augment with better media if you choose. Good score (maybe), enjoy it.
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