Not happy. Dive shop refused to fill my tank today.

Just needed to vent a little. Ha, Ha.
Dive shop, one of only two here, refused to fill my tank because they did not have the right fitting to attach to the tank,
He said if I wanted to purchase it, he would use it to fill the tank. But since I am apparently the first person ever to want a SCBA tank filled
he did not see the value in purchasing the fitting.
He just needed a simple male to female foster fitting.
I just want to shoot my new daystate while I am waiting for the YH to arrive and get it set up.
I suppose I will try dive shop number 2 tomorrow.
So much for customer service.

I feel better.

I’d say that’s appropriate if you are the only customer he would be servicing. There’s little to no incentive for a small business owner to invest anything into MAYBE providing sporadic service to one person.
On the other hand, you could buy the adapter and have it on hand to let him use it if you need to have him fill your tank in the future. It’s probably well worth the couple of dollars it would cost you just to have it on hand.
Just needed to vent a little. Ha, Ha.
Dive shop, one of only two here, refused to fill my tank because they did not have the right fitting to attach to the tank,
He said if I wanted to purchase it, he would use it to fill the tank. But since I am apparently the first person ever to want a SCBA tank filled
he did not see the value in purchasing the fitting.
He just needed a simple male to female foster fitting.
I just want to shoot my new daystate while I am waiting for the YH to arrive and get it set up.
I suppose I will try dive shop number 2 tomorrow.
So much for customer service.

I feel better.

WHY...are you mad at the shop owner ?
So he's never filled one of these cylinders. With or WITHOUT the proper fitting...that's not HIS fault, that no airgun owner has ever come into his shop.

He didn't REFUSE...he couldn't fill it. MAJOR difference.

And what customer service ? HE'S...supposed to buy the equipment to fill ONE...cylinder, possibly ONE time ? I call that a whiny customer. He has NO idea if you'd EVER be back into his that means...HE'S out the fitting money !!!

I say that YOU buy the fittings required. THAT way, ANY shop that you go into...can do the work, provided that you are polite.

I'm lucky, that the shop near me has the proper fittings, and has no problem filling my cylinder, and is a nice guy willing to do oddball work. He even holds my cylinder for the next morning, when his system is "full" and can fill my cylinder to the full 4350 psi.

Lighten up, go back in and talk to the shop owner. See what kind of deal you can make with him. Offer to buy the correct fitting, and ask if he'll fill your cylinder then. But be ready for a 50%-50% type answer, because of your last apparent, not so good conversation.

Air Supply. And you thought it was just the name of a really crappy music group. Yea showing my age. If you are under 45, google it and moan.
Air supply is the dark side of shooting PCP’s. I wandered into the arena with nary a thought given to air supply only to discover after considerable time researching, there ain’t no easy answer.
I wonder if other shops do a better job of advising up front about feeding your beasts. I know the one I bought my first from never mentioned it. Maybe it was my enthusiasm and rush to get a gun going or some other innocent reason.
It should be the first thing hashed out the second the word PCP is uttered by a potential customer.
WHY...are you mad at the shop owner ?
So he's never filled one of these cylinders. With or WITHOUT the proper fitting...that's not HIS fault, that no airgun owner has ever come into his shop.

He didn't REFUSE...he couldn't fill it. MAJOR difference.

And what customer service ? HE'S...supposed to buy the equipment to fill ONE...cylinder, possibly ONE time ? I call that a whiny customer. He has NO idea if you'd EVER be back into his that means...HE'S out the fitting money !!!

I say that YOU buy the fittings required. THAT way, ANY shop that you go into...can do the work, provided that you are polite.

I'm lucky, that the shop near me has the proper fittings, and has no problem filling my cylinder, and is a nice guy willing to do oddball work. He even holds my cylinder for the next morning, when his system is "full" and can fill my cylinder to the full 4350 psi.

Lighten up, go back in and talk to the shop owner. See what kind of deal you can make with him. Offer to buy the correct fitting, and ask if he'll fill your cylinder then. But be ready for a 50%-50% type answer, because of your last apparent, not so good conversation.

Wow. Did you think I was actually angry. Brand new to this and trying to learn. I was just relaying what occured. I did not mean to sound angry to you.
Maybe this guy is a relative of yours? I do not know. Perhaps rereading my post will make you feel better.
I did not use a lot of caps, or exclamation marks, or even call him names like "whiney".
Did not intend for you to take it so personally. I apologize, if that will brighten your day a little.

