Notes from Mitch:


Sep 11, 2018
Spring is about to break across the country and the focus of the ASA is on hunting regulations. This is the time of year that state wildlife agencies are working on changes to their hunting regulations and we are seeing more states clarifying their airgun related hunting regulations and adding big game to the opportunities for airgun enthusiasts. Already this year, you have seen announcements from us regarding Idaho, Utah and Arizona. The next state to open up their big game firearms season for airguns will be Georgia. The necessary legislation has passed both the House and Senate and is sitting on the Governor's desk. When the legislation is signed by the Governor, we will let you know - but no one is expecting a hang up at this point. Stay tuned.

I'm on my way to Groton, CT for a meeting with the state wildlife agencies from the 11 states in the northeast. I will be talking to the leadership of these agencies about recognizing the capabilities of the larger bore airguns for hunting big game. Throughout the summer and early fall, I will be attending similar meetings state wildlife agency leadership in the Midwest (June), west (July) and southeast (October). While I generally receive positive feedback regarding airguns from the leadership of state wildlife agencies, one point that I hear often is that these agency folks just haven't heard from their license holders that there is a big demand for legalizing big game airgun hunting. As you have heard me say before, it is important for you to work at your level to let your agency know that you want the opportunity to use your big bore airgun for hunting. Go to your wildlife agency's website and locate the contact information for the Director and for the Commissioners and send them a note. Feel free to mention my name and the Airgun Sporting Association. I know most of the Directors and can follow-up with them with more information.

If you are not sure what your state's airgun related hunting regulations are, or you want to know more about where you might be able to go for airgun hunting experiences, I invite you to visit the ASA website and locate the Airgun Hunting Map (located under the Regulations Tab). The Association has been working with Pyramyd Air to keep this map up to date and user friendly. We have made some changes to the display of the information and we will be working to update the map with new information as the 2019 hunting regulations come on line. As always, if you see an error in the information on this map, please take the time to drop us a line and we will get the changes updated.

As always, the Association appreciates your support and your continued efforts to promote airguns and airgun hunting. I look forward to hearing from you and talking about airguns and airgun hunting in your state.

Mitch King
[email protected]