Lucky shot, should have waited till the quail stopped moving.
I was out with my better half testing out her new tripod. She's shooting her Vulcan 3 in .30cal shooting 1" groups @ 50 yards (normally she will shoot 1" groups at 100 yds with bipod and bag, 1st time on tripod so it will tighten up. And also getting some archery in....
Anyway, noticed some quail walking by and just so happened I had my Notos in the jeep. Actually missed the one I was aiming at, I miss judged the distance. This was zeroed at 50 yds and quail were @ 42yds (ranged after the fact) so I hit about 1.5 mils high. Another quail walked into it and hit him high in the neck the into the back of one behind him.
Well, was a Good Day!
Grateful I can shoot whenever I want and not have my other half complain I'm gone shooting all the time, if anything she'll join me
Only downside is whenever I want to buy a new toy she gets one also...spend twice as much but she's more than worth it!
Stir fry with a side of quail

I was out with my better half testing out her new tripod. She's shooting her Vulcan 3 in .30cal shooting 1" groups @ 50 yards (normally she will shoot 1" groups at 100 yds with bipod and bag, 1st time on tripod so it will tighten up. And also getting some archery in....
Anyway, noticed some quail walking by and just so happened I had my Notos in the jeep. Actually missed the one I was aiming at, I miss judged the distance. This was zeroed at 50 yds and quail were @ 42yds (ranged after the fact) so I hit about 1.5 mils high. Another quail walked into it and hit him high in the neck the into the back of one behind him.
Well, was a Good Day!
Grateful I can shoot whenever I want and not have my other half complain I'm gone shooting all the time, if anything she'll join me
Only downside is whenever I want to buy a new toy she gets one also...spend twice as much but she's more than worth it!
Stir fry with a side of quail

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