• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

Notos aftermarket moderator options....

Mine seems to be pretty quiet out of the box, or it could be that I am half deaf on the right ear:LOL:. My wife says both.
It definitely IS quiet out of the box. It doesn’t need to be any quieter but for backyard plinking or impromptu hunting, the quieter the better. It’s ridiculously quiet with this insert that I added. When you take out the factory baffles you can see the room for improvement.
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Is the plural of Notos Noti? In any case I have 2 Notos. But it seems to have rained aftermarket Notos moderators on me. There are probably more aftermarket mods out there but these are the ones I have tested. The red inserts are OEM. One thing I did do is paint the part of the mod that sticks out of the shroud with aerosol Plastic Dip then wrapped that painted part with hockey tape. All of them work to a degree.

I describe the OEM Red insert as having a reasonably quiet dry hacking cough. There are several in this group that are quieter/lower tone than all the rest. All of these are equal to or better than OEM. The little black insert on the bottom has more baffles than the OEM but didn't do anything remarkable. During testing I had both Noti set at 690FPS using 18.1 JTS domes.

Retail mods I purchased and tested were RedCorn No Mod Mod, RedCorn "subscriber" sized mod, Deci Ball and probably one of the last Tango Sierras made/sold.

The verdict: a tie between the original Tango Sierra (4th from right)and an enthusiasts take on the Original Subscriber (3rd from right). I call this second one the winner because it is one of the shorties on the right, same sized as Original Subscriber (2d from right)
Have to admit less noise is why I moved the direction of PCP's. Have many louder guns, just don't like the noise.

I would play with the moderator if I could get the Notos to make no noise. From all the reading I have done so far, moderators are verrry subjective. What is quiet to me and my deaf ear, maybe be quite loud to the next person.

Maybe someone should start a moderator exchange/library service for testing only. Those who have a collection, hint hint, take a fee to cover the cost of the moderator and shipping back an forth. Maybe in the end of the transaction, keep a "rental" fee for the trouble. If the renter breaks it, they bought it kind of approach.

Then a cheap fart like me could find the best unit for my ear before purchasing.

Or maybe this would just be too much trouble???
@Hate The Rain , Subjective you bet. That is why I had a much younger person standing off 40' for the test, my wife who is a couple years shy of my 70:) She does not have tinitus either!:) Also I have 2 very quiet PCPs that are not Noti. A deathly quiet low tone FX Streamline .22 with a Hugget and an early AA S200 with a no name mod.

I am an old Noob with air guns but I think from what I gather that volume is important for power air guns. Air gun power doesn't interest me. Enough to consistently hit a golf ball at 40yrds is good enough. I turned one of my Noti down to 14FPE and am going to see if I can go lower without fiddling with the reg and then run strings over the chrony to see what happens. The other Notos I will leave at its highest possible setting with the hammer spring turned all the way in unless it proves to cause problems with accuracy. I would be even happier if my Noti were .177 but I'm not going do that.
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