Umarex Notos Huben Dream Valve..

Could I get a recommendation on orings for the dream valve.. the oring between the valve and the gun keeps blowing out… 3 times in the last couple days.
I had issues with the Universal when it was first released. The problem was the oring channel was sloped and not squared. Worked with Nick at Huben and they redesigned the plenum and sent me a new one.

That said, I doubt that is your issue but you may want to check.

-- Matt
I haven't read all the threads on the Dream Valve so I don't know if this has been reported. I just went to Huben Power and put a Dream Valve in the cart. I used the code "Inspire" and the price shipped was $108. Just to be fair "OTA10" from Justin works too. I didn't order one because like others here, I like the compact and light weight NOTOS as is. If I want to sit at the bench and shoot a ton of shots I'll just tether to my 30 minute scba tank. I can fill the tank to 3500 and shoot all day and not push any pressure limits.. easier on the equipment all the way around.
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