Umarex Notos Mods all Done - What’s Next?

Hi guys - I just got done with opening up all the ports, added Huben Dream valve with bottle, 500mm barrel kit from C-88, regulator set around 2400-2500. Shooting 13.43 pellets, getting avg of 1014 fps and 31 fpe with small hammer spring adjustments. Would like to clean up the hammer itself as it occasionally gets a little rough when cocking but I live with that.

Only thing I haven’t done is open up the 3 ports on the barrel, but don’t think that’s necessary at this point? Maybe I’ll try that next, but wanted to see if there anything else I’m missing or anything still recommended to max this thing out (unless it’s already there).

Also, has anyone done a threaded barrel and/or shroud mod somehow? Would love to just screw barrel back in as opposed to this grub screw setup, but maybe it’s designed that way for a reason not sure.

This group has been awesome in giving advice and feedback while going down this very deep rabbit hole!

Hi guys no offense taken and thanks for your reply! No real goal here other than getting ports opened up seeing what this could do power wise first, then tune it back down before I go to the range. What’s your recommendation for optimal power settings for accuracy? Shot count isn’t an issue with this bottle setup. I’ll shoot some groups when I get out and post back. I’m a NOOB on all this stuff so had no idea there can be too much power. I assume that level of fpe would be more applicable if I were shooting slugs?
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Reactions: Rick64
Sounds like you have done it all except the fine tuning. I poo pooed this gun a bit when it first came out but I can say I am super close to taking on this similar project. Sounds like a bunch of fun. I just can’t bring myself around to put the investment in yet.
For sure I ended up probably about $800 all in, with air compressor and all the other things I ended up with. I did the drilling and porting myself, and I’m not a shop savvy guy, but it was pretty simple. Just make sure you do it somewhere that all these small parts don’t fall and get lost … take it from me. Don’t really “hunt” or shoot animals (wife not a fan haha) but I do like shooting targets in basement or backyard and at range occasionally. Could have probably just bought one already hitting these numbers but wasn’t planning on doing all this until others on here got me jacked up and I went down the rabbit hole. Jump on in!

Thanks - with this 4500 psi .42 liter bottle it should give me upwards of 75-100 shots before dropping pressure below reg @ 1500 psi. Now I just need to work on actual shot groups so I can get humbled - needs work!
I forgot that you put a bottle on it, I bet you do have a good shot count, especially with the regulator set at 1500. Post some pictures so we can check it out.