N/A Nova Freedom Woes

I have a Nova Freedom that has the o ring pump failure. In replacing the o rings I broke the brass fitting, so I decided to abandon the pump and just use an external pump, however I sealed the tube that screws into the housing feeding the reservoir. After about 10 minutes the gun is empty. Has anyone done this sucessfully?
Had the same problem with my Seneca Aspen. I’ve read plenty of threads/watched videos on repairing the pump, it’s not too bad and did it myself once. After it broke a second time I stripped the pump/forward stock off to shoot off a hand pump. The built in pump concept is so promising but it’s very apparent that it’s hard to build tough.
Hi bud
I have converted my freedom to a bottle
The pump piston will keep failing.
I made my own adapter to fit but a company called doux silencers do the adapter for the avenger which is basically the same gun.
Look for the avenger adapter .
You may have to cut your airtube down to get it to fit.
A couple of pics



Hi bud
I have converted my freedom to a bottle
The pump piston will keep failing.
I made my own adapter to fit but a company called doux silencers do the adapter for the avenger which is basically the same gun.
Look for the avenger adapter .
You may have to cut your airtube down to get it to fit.
A couple of pics

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I followed your lead and located the Doux Technologies website, @aroundlocks
The bottle adapter that they make is for the Nova Leviathan
I think that is the Nova Liberty

Does that work for the Freedom/Aspen platform?

Thoughts please!

Hi Edward
They all basically the same gun
Like I say it's the bottle part you want
If memory serves me its an m14 thread
Reach out to a man called dark charisma.
He is from America on forums.
Mine is now filled from the bottle valve and regulated.
I blanked off original probe hole.
In side gun block where pump goes are 2 holes one with a small ball bearing and sealing cap you need to seal it to stop air bypassing it.
The second hole is what takes air too the valve.
You could also try froggy's gun parts in America and see if he can make you a drop block threaded to your gun" he is a nice man.
I'm shooting 600fps at 850psi
Super accurate.
A good machine shop could make the part for you for not alot of money.
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