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November ASC FT Match Results

FT Match Report Arlington Sportsman’s Club 11/19/2022

We had 18 competitors brave the Texas cold this month at the ASC Field Target course! Even though we waited to start until 10am, the temps were still in the mid-30’s and didn’t climb out of the low-40’s all day. Seems like we really like to shoot FT no matter the weather! We’ll be here for the next few months too, so come on out if you are having FT withdrawals.


Scott Cotton and I painted the targets and checked them for proper operation and setup the course on Friday afternoon. Thanks for all the help, Scott, and to everyone who helps me setup, run, and takedown the course each month. Kudos!! Shooters came from as far as Arkansas, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, San Antonio, and Houston to shoot with us today. We had 10 lanes with 3 targets each, including the standing and kneeling lanes and one special Turkey target for the course this month. The shooter who knocked over this target would win a Turkey (Gift Certificate) for Thanksgiving…more on this later.

The average Troyer this month was 31.1, SD 7.13, Avg Dist 29.4 yds, and Avg KZ 1.04”. There was a brisk North wind that made the true Troyer a little higher, but I didn’t recalc the difficulties for the inconsistent conditions. We also now have at least 4 elevated targets to challenge shooters, two of them at 40+ yards, and we can use our elevated Archery tower to provide a decline shooting experience too for a total of up to 7 elevation-influenced targets. We didn’t use the tower this month but look for it again in one of our upcoming matches.

We started at 10:00am after our standard safety meeting. Everyone spread out on the course “shotgun” style and started shooting. We only had one cold line this month, where a target was pulled off its concrete block. I had spent some time with the targets after our match in September and looks like all are performing well. I was paired with Stan Kaloyanov from Arkansas shooting his AA ProTarget for this match. He struggled some on this day, but really enjoyed the match he told me. Keep an eye out for Stan, because he shows up in Texas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee to shoot FT. He must really like to drive long distances!

An interesting occurrence happened for the very first time at ASC; we were 100% PCP’s!! Springers have gradually declined and the last holdout, Scott Cotton, decided he’d like to try and shoot WFTF PCP to compete in the 2024 FT Worlds in the USA.

As I said earlier, the special, long-distance Turkey target would award the shooter that knocked it over with a $25 GC for a Thanksgiving turkey. Scott and I placed the 1 ½” KZ target at 75 yards but didn’t give away the yardage during the match. As it turns out, we made this one too hard, because no one was able to knock it down or even hit the KZ paddle despite one shooter who claimed that he hit it, but it failed to fall. We decided to give the award to the HOA score instead. See who that is below.

Hunter PCP was once again the most numerous and contested class for the day with 14 shooters. 1st place was Mike Atwell with a 50/60 shooting his FX Dreamline and he defeated Art Womack also with a 50/60 via a shootoff. Art was shooting his Daystate Redwolf. Thom Davies finished right behind these two in 3rd place with a fine 49/60 shooting his FX Crown. Great job guys! We haven’t had a shootoff in quite some time, but it felt appropriate with a Turkey on the line! HOA went to Mike Atwell taking home the 2022 ASC Turkey Shoot award. Congrats Mike!

In WFTF PCP, we had a large turnout for ASC of four shooters. I finished first with 51/60 shooting my RAW TM1000, while Scott Cotton finished 2nd with a 40/60 from his Hammerli AR20FT.

You can see all the other scores and the equipment used in the table below. One new addition for shooting score analyses is our website http://stuntcode.com/agshoot/ that shows your score on each lane, your hit percentage by lane or near/mid/far targets, how you compare to your class average, your class winner, and the HOA winner. Thanks to Scott for his work on this, you should be able to tease out some areas where you can improve and hopefully finish higher in the standings.

Our next match will be on Saturday December 17. This match will start at 10am.

See you at the next match,
Jeff Cloud
Field Target Match Director
Arlington Sportsman’s Club


Art & Mike 1st Place Shootoff
