Now Kajan Mutant?

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I will paraphrase because he asked me to but I have no problem posting the actual email. 
Dmitriy said that he does not want to take part in any forums because people tend to flood him with the same questions that have already been answered and he finds it overly time consuming especially given the language barrier. The issue with the barrel has been addressed and all, yes all barrels will be replaced with the same CZ barrels that are used in Crickets. Even the barrels that have already been replaced with LW barrels. The order with CZ will be filled over the next few months as it is a rather large order, and the replacement barrels will be sent out in the spring. 
The barrels are/will be made in Cezch Republic. The reciever is made in Ukraine. The Kajan and Raptor receivers are both made by the same manufacturer as the Taipan. Different retailers have requested the gun with different names and engravings, i.e. the Russian models have to have "Made in Russia" printed on them in order to be legal for sale in Russia; the Kajan is specifically engraved as Kajan model and is only available from
I am not exactly sure how Steve could not know this if his tuner/GunSmith knew it? Anyone who knows Ernest knows he is one thorough dude.

oakey631. This should help you understand the situation a little better

What is being said is that the Y forum owner as well as Steve Smith are heavily invested in Taipan, Vulcan, Cricket and Jkhan air rifles. All this is done to put pressure on AOA and FX sales. Mr. Rowe is their business affiliate. On the Y forum they are manipulating audience to believe that Taipan and Vulcan are better then even Daystate Airwolf. Anybody that says, NO to this nonsense or reports accuracy or regulator issues with their Mutant gets their post deleted and posting rights blocked.

What really sucks to see is Mr.Rowe picking on FX rifles and not reporting major issues with Taipan Mutant that he is well aware of.

They are talking about capitalism? perhaps Tim@Mac1 airgun can join us and tell what was done to his reputation. I have also heard that were several people that were offering Mutants for around 900 dollars, they were banned also as none sponsoring dealers.
I was threatened by Steve Smith from WWAG to not post anything about my experiences which is a joke.

Wild West Airgun has the same shipping address as RL Airgun in Colorado. Since Steve Smith and Savvas Schinis know nothing about air rifles they most likely just finance RL's operation and have him do all the shipping and service work and focus on the information control on their forum - that is being also used to attack Daystate and FX products.

Taipan Mutant has POI shifts somebody writes. Next reply follows "So is the Daystate Huntsman" It is sickening to read such statements. And now they are going after the Airwolf MCT by comparing Mutant to it also.
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Russian models have to have “Made in Russia” printed on them in order to be legal for sale in Russia

So why do FX, Daystate and other air rifle brands sold in Russia retain their country of origin markings? It is my understanding that Russia like most places has a 12 joule limits on air rifles before they are considered a firearm requiring a license to purchase.

You been fed another lie from Tamaun. And that is precisely why they won't come here and answer all the questions or show their manufacturer permits and patents they claim they have.
Okaley, I have shot a Cricket too. And it was nowhere near as accurate as all the FX I owned. In fact it was a little behind my S410 that had LW barrel, which was an unregulated rifle. Which makes me personally like the LW barrels better over CZ barrels.

Russian made bullpups the like of Cricket and Mutant that don't have a free floated barrel just because of the design are bound to have slight POI shifts as pressure changes in the air cylinder. It has been also reported.

Daystate electronic system can be called a more superior system to the mechanical regulator because the solenoid force strike that opens the valve is directly related to the amount of air pressure left in the air tube. Onboard electronics monitor this. And which is why this system can have an even shot curve to as low as 80-90 bar. Plus on the Airwolf there is a free floated barrel in it's truest sense. So you can't really compare Mutant or Cricket to the MCT.
Plus the electronic trigger on the Airwolf is by far more superior to what you get on a Cricket which also plays a role in accuracy.
"oakey631"I was threatened by Steve Smith from WWAG to not post anything about my experiences which is a joke. I am the one that sent him the initial email about the false advertisement of this product he imported. He immediately contacted me telling me telling me it was removed? He is going to sue me for my opinions. LOL. He took that false advertisement down quicker then a rabbit?

I myself & AGN have also been threatened to be sued by certain people in the industry. 

I was under the impression that Steve Smith was getting out of the Airgun Industry? At least that's what he was telling people at EBR 2015. Is this true? I do not know, but last time I checked he was the sole importer of Aeon scopes.


Steve Smith is the owner Michael is correct.

RL looks like their warehouse guy all these people are business partners that are heavily invested in Taipan air rifles. The Y forum is used as an outlet for products they and their distributors sell. That is why were are constantly reading on that forum that Taipan, Vulcan and Cricket are more accurate then FX and Daystate rifles. And are better build. With Vulcan and Cricket we know who the owners are and that these are their products that they have developed.

When there was a question where the Vulcan was made the owner took his time to explain that only the receiver was made in Taiwan.

So why can't the Taipan owner properly address all these speculations?
I was threatened by Steve Smith from WWAG to not post anything about my experiences which is a joke. I am the one that sent him the initial email about the false advertisement of this product he imported. He immediately contacted me telling me telling me it was removed? He is going to sue me for my opinions. LOL. He took that false advertisement down quicker then a rabbit?

If they are making close to $1K per gun on these Mutants it is a fight to the death I am sure :) That is why Tamaun removed their selling price in Ukraine because they most likely have told them to do so. And now I am being told by Adam that I am making a reference to the older version of the gun.

I wonder how will they spin the fact that a Korean or China made barrels that they use are labeled as made in Germany. And why the rifling on them gets blown out by simply doing a barrel polish?

If a marketing director for Taipan says that he does not want to participate in forum discussions because he gets flooded with these kinds of questions. Right there he admits that they are heaving major issues with these rifles. So guess where these might be made that it takes this long to get the quality control right?
Tactile I am no representative of any ag company. I just buy and shoot. I would buy a Cricket Carbina over a daystate any day of the week as well as any FX gun.

I believe you are not a dealer. And I thank you for sharing your experience with the Mutant you have owned, and how you were treated by the importer and the dealer that ships these out to customers.

I simply cannot imagine that AOA, Pyramyd and Precision Airguns would threaten a customer for making a post that he was not happy with his purchase. These guys always take care of people. That is why I as a consumer will be supporting with my money only these companies. Will buy an "inaccurate" Airwolf MCT next :)
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Adam that is a CREATIVE load of Dog Manure the guns were never fixed and in order to fix what US Retailers have done is to replace every single Short Mutant Barrel with the CZ barrel they advertised selling them with From R&L to Wild West Air Guns. There are many Shorts still not shooting properly. A few were sent back in and never received CZ barrels very few People returned the gun the only reason randy gave me my money back was I came at him like a lawyer with all my T’s Crossed and I’s dotted! So please get your facts straight! Any dealer who claims to have a warranted their guns needs to service that gun and not give LIP SERVICE! Which is what we are getting with many dealers selling these high end Bull Pups. I can’t say this on some boards or my POST GET TAKEN Down OR I get tossed. Truth is the truth there is no way around it

Can't say any better then you just did about the situation.
Ok Gentlemen, let's make sure that this topic remains in line with our forum rules, particularly: 
  1. Before you post or reply, ask yourself, “Is my post going to be: constructive, insightful, or helpful in advancing the airgun community?”
  2. Speak to everyone as you would like to be spoken to. Abusive language and/or Trolling is not allowed.
    We've all got opinions, please try to leave your emotions out. 

    Thank you
I was also told Steve is getting out of the airgun business and also RL owns wild west if you guys didn't know this yet ....Randy ,at RL is a good guy to deal with and I'm sure he will run wild west in a great manner also. A guy from the yellow named Jamie was the first guy to deal with the co that makes Mutants and I'm sure he could shed light on this issue .
Guess what folks?

It turns out that my teenage son has a Russian speaking friend. And since daddy is being put on the spot and is being called a liar on the yellow forum. I gave them two boys a little homework research to find out more information on Tailor Made Units.

Guess what has come up so far? Tamaun is involved in the distribution of paintball equipment. And what country makes all the paintball equipment these days? Something to think about ya all when you say their stuff is as good as FX and Daystate.

Info was pulled from Ukrainian yellow pages service the 4th row down from the top how they advertise their business activities.

Tailor-Made Units, ООО
ул. Акад. Глушкова, 40
Київ - Київська Обл.
Оборудование пейнтбольное, Прицелы оптические, Манометры, Маркеры для пейнтбола, Маски для пейнтбола, Оборудование для пейнтбольных клубов, Прицелы, Шары пейнтбольные



That is why some of you are communicating with the marketing director over there and not the owner. So it does look like indeed an OEM sports equipment company that deals in Paintball.
I just got done reading these posts and felt I may be should introduce myself.
I am Randy Engel, my wife Lori and I own RL Airgun Supply.
We also purchased Wild West Airguns from Steve Smith on October 1st of this year.

We are the sole owners of these two businesses, the only affiliation with Steve Smith is through Aeon Scopes.
We do warehouse the scopes for Steve Smith and Steve Schinis.
As stated by someone above that I might have something to do with the Yellow Forum that is crazy, I do NOT like posting on any forum unless it is in my best interest to clarify myself.

As for the person that felt the reason I credited back your funds, was that you came at me like a lawyer, please be a little more honest, I am a very fair person.

I can see that Steve Smith has irritated several of you and for that I am sorry but I AM NOT STEVE SMITH, nor do I want you people to feel that is the way I conduct business.

I would love to have all of you do business with us, I hope that this will clear the air for some.

Randy Engel

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