Now Kajan Mutant?

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As I already have stated previously in this thread, I own a .22 Taipan Mutant standard. Yes, these came with CZ barrels and from what I understand all the standards have. Tactical, sorry to hurt your feelings but my Mutant is a very good airgun. I've owned several highly touted airguns, e.g., Daystate Air Wolf MCT, Daystate Air Ranger, FX Royale 400 & 500, FX Gladiator MKII, FX Cyclone, AA S510, Cricket Carbine and a Theoben Rapid MKII. As you can see, none of these were bullpups, the Mutant is my first pup. With that said, I can't compare the Mutant to another pup. I do like the compact package that bullpups provide while not giving anything away in the power department. Many think of the Air Wolf as the creme de la creme. Well, it is a great airgun, super shot count, very accurate and pretty. My complaints are that it was a bit loud until I added a Hugget shroud, the MCT system has a bell curve and I prefer a mechanical trigger. A properly tuned efficient regulator, in my opinion has better shot consistency. The electronic trigger just didn't give the feedback I prefer. Even when dialed in, it had a minute amount of creep also. The Mutant has these issues covered, it's quiet as delivered, really good efficient reg and the trigger is super good and well engineered. It has an ugly stock that is cheaply finished and that's where my complaints end. The stock actually has great ergonomics though. If it was purchased for $500 by the importer or not, which I doubt, mine is great and is as good as any of the guns mentioned above in my opinion.
I own an Mrodair P-12 which is made in China as well as a Taipan Mutant Standard made in the Ukraine. No comparison in terms of build quality. A blind man could tell
which is made in China and which is highest in quality. I like my P-12 but it took lots of adjustments and mods to make it a finished product. The Mutant exudes quality and has required no tweaks to enhance its performance. I own or have owned several Air Arms, Daystate, Falcon, and other PCP rifles. The Taipan Mutant is high quality in all respects except the wood finish on the factory stock. It is obvious from the droning, reptetitive, redundant, inaccurate bashing of Taipan products from Tactical that he has an agenda apart from his personal experience with owning or operating a Taipan product. I for one have worked on and seen friends have quality control issues with FX products and personally feel that they are overpriced and inferior values compared to their competition. Try selling your used Bobcat and see what depreciation has done to its value. To each his own. Tactical, if you love particular brands, that's your prerogative. However, this thread proves that you are just trying to promote an agenda against the people involved in selling Mutant products in the U.S. I'd I'd be happy to have a shooting match with my Mutant Standard against your Wildcat.

Oakley631 and AA410, I couldn't agree with you more.

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If my son's Russian friend is correct Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations in the world. Any kind of government document can be obtained for as little as $300. That is what the kid has been telling us all evening. They had this Maidan or Maydan revolution 2 years ago because people became sick and tired of living in the mafia state.

But thanks for sharing the documents with us. Can they verify that the gun is 100% made in Ukraine and does not use any China made parts too?
We do warehouse the scopes for Steve Smith and Steve Schinis. As stated by someone above that I might have something to do with the Yellow Forum that is crazy

Please correct me if I am wrong. You warehouse scopes for the company that Steve Schinis is the director of. The same person that owns the yellow forum. How is that not being an affiliate? This explains why Steve bans people's posting rights and deletes threads of anyone that reports that they have issues with their Taipan. "Post not fair to a sponsoring dealer" that is his reason. Do you find this normal being a fair guy yourself?
It has an ugly stock that is cheaply finished and that’s where my complaints end

And yet you are comparing it to the likes of the Airwolf :)

If it was purchased for $500 by the importer or not, which I doubt

The going price there was taken down rather quick as this thread has opened up. We sure do live in a very small world these days.
I just have a hard time believing the gun is produced in China after having my hands on this gun

Oakley, there is a different kinds of China made. Iphones are made in China. Can you really tell just by looking?
I can recommend you to get one of the Falcon Menace rifle scopes that are made in China for the UK company Falcon Optics. Other then being heavy, and heaving a stamp made in China you can't say by looking at the glass or internals that they are made in China. Guys put them on .338 Lapua rifles, they track well and handle great amount of the abuse thrown in them. Why? Because the owner of Falcon Optics is not a cheap guy and pays the Chinese for Japanese lenses and quality components. Also those scopes are FFP and are spring airgun rated.

So it is not like the Chinese can't make anything decent or good. I agree that some of the air rifles they export are a total junk build for pennies.
However, this thread proves that you are just trying to promote an agenda against the people involved in selling Mutant products in the U.S.

So would a Monsanto representative say that GMO crops and animal produce are completely safe and that opposition that says NO has an agenda against their business.

I don't repeat anything btw, I posted all the information that is being blocked on the yellow forum. You can google it and verify it yourself.
If you are willing to research the original evolution of these guns (originally designed in Ukraine by two airgunning enthusiasts who later split apart in a not so nice form when their hobby became a business) and have someone to help with russian, a good starting point would be this huge thread on ukrainian forum (story starts as early as 2008):

Speaking of theories. Youngsters have found a post from the original developer of this gun to be called Raptor 2. Where he states they ripped him off and called the gun Taipan. 99% of Taipan is his stolen Raptor 2 project. This is the man talking about his Raptor rifle. (post #108)
Valent 29-10-2012 11:35

Тем не менее реальность такова, что не было никакой совместной разработки. Проект сделал я. У меня есть привычка, не готовое, не показывать. Ну, типа чтобы соблюсти чистоту эксперимента. Посему в мастерскую проект на Раптор 2 (сейчас известна винтовка как тайпан1) был принесен готовым на 99%. Только пружины считал не я. Но ТЗ на них готовил я. Осталось им надписи сделать, да собрать. Ну и распихать. Чтобы лучше шло, была придумана история про "совместную разработку" и все остальное. Небось попадались "странные" которые воротили нос от происхождения :) Её и пересказывают "знающие люди". Люди они так устроены, что при желании любое гадство лёгко самообъясняют себе и уже после этого с совершенно чистой совестью пользуются. Тогда же, ещё до выхода Р2, готовился и проект на Раптор 3. И бывшие дружбаны постоянно клянчили хоть одним глазком посмотреть. Нет - привычка. Пришлось им тюнить то, что было.


Nevertheless the reality is such, that there was no joint development. I created the project. I have a habit to not show what is unfinished. Therefore to the shop project Raptor 2 now known as Taipan was brought 99% finished. Only the springs were not calculated by me. But all the technical documents were prepared by me. All they had to do is do an engravings and assembly. And of course sales (he also may have meant delivery to the end clients)

And so in order to sell better, a story was made up about the "joint development" and everything else so no "strangers" would turn up their noses about the origins of this :) People in the know tell of this story. People are as such, that if they are willing can justify any terrible deed to themselves and then after with crystal clear conscience use it. It is then before the release of Raptor 2, I was working on project Raptor 3. And my former friends always were begging me to see it even with one eye. But no - habit. They had to tune what was there.
Oakley. Didn't you post this before regarding quality of these? You should not be intimidated by dealers.

Funny thing is that I was one of the first Baby Mutant owners in the States and one of the first to have an issue with my barrel. I post the picture Ernest sent me of my barrel. I was told by both Ernest and the orginal Importer of these guns that the barrels that came in their guns were not CZ but said made in Germany they were confussed. Ernest Rowe couldn’t hit the side of a barn with the most accurate of air rifles but he sure knows his way around a PCP. I was concerned with this bait and switch but after few folks I trusted claimed they were real good guns I bought one. I fell in love and started promoting this gun. Then I shipped it off to Ernest because I was getting crazy crony readings which was not the gun but my chrony. I should have known because if my gun was shooting as the Chrony readings suggested I would not have had the tight groups I was shooting. Anyway Ernest gave it a complete work over and clearned the bore well as we say POLISHED the bore. However when I got the gun back it was shooting shotgun like patterns this was not the gun I had been shooting I sent it back over the River to Ernest and he scoped the gun only to find that the bore polishing removed the filling in the barrel the kept some serious imperfections covered. When the pellet shot over the numerous small divits it destabliszed the pellets.

All I can say is that if these shoot like this at 50 yards don't go up against Airwolf MCT or FX rifles :)

If you are willing to research the original evolution of these guns

I don't really care for these guns!!! :) I know what to buy. My concern is for those that are just starting out reading nonsense that FX and DayState are not accurate and all that.

The only reason I have joined this thread is because I was banned on the yellow forum asking why they delete negative posts regarding these rifles. But just as I thought I was correct about avoiding these new products.
Tactical, have you ever owned an Air Wolf MCT? What about a Mutant? Myself
and AAS410 (now banned) have informed of first hand accounts with both the Mutant standard and AW MCT as well as other rifles. The Mutant standard's performance compares very favorably to these rifles. You mention that the Y forum blocks all the bad press on the Mutant. Do all the others forums block these problems also? I don't see all these rampant problems, you have brought up about the Mutant, being posted on other forums or this one. We all know that the short model did not have CZ barrels as was stated that they would have CZ barrels initially by WWAG. This problem I have seen reported but not the others. You keep spouting that the short model having barrels that are labeled made in Germany yet are actually made in China or Korea. Any proof of that? You've come up with the paintball issue, Carl Walther (actually Green Walther) and gotten a kid that knows Russian to translate info for you. All this yet you stated you don't care about the Mutant enough to dig up the truth. I'm confused about your actual motives but I don't believe you are interested in knowing or reporting the truth concerning the Mutant. 
Greetings all. 

First post here at Airgun Nation. Some of the discussion has prompted me to register and post my experience with the Mutant Standard. I will stick with the facts as I know them in hopes I can provide some additional insight. 

I bought the Mutant Standard several weeks ago, and after two tins of pellets I can safely say it is the most accurate gun I have ever owned. I get around 60 consistent shots with each 225 bar fill. The gun is very quiet (I shoot in the basement with my two-year old sleeping upstairs), the magazines are simple to load, and the indexing is butter smooth. The gun has performed flawlessly to date right out of the box, zero adjustments.

Here is a group that I shot today at 40 yards without trying very hard. We had a nice day in NE Ohio with variable winds and low 60’s. Ignore the other shots, they are from my refurbished Marauder .177. Going back to the Marauder was tough because I enjoy the Mutant trigger so much better.

Here is another group that I shot last week, same distance of 40 yards, a little calmer day but colder.

I find that from my first shot to my last the POI does not change. The regulator on these guns do a fantastic job of keeping everything consistent. I had a lot of fun this afternoon shooting at expired vitamin C tablets, about ½” in diameter. I set them on golf tees and blasted away. They explode in a satisfying puff cloud making for fantastic reactive targets. After I got bored with the vitamins, I proceeded to shoot the golf tees, snapping them in half. I want to get a Mutant in .177, it would make for an excellent FT rifle. Hoping Tauman will make more available in the US. 

There might be more accurate rifles out there, but this Mutant meets all my needs. After going through many different air rifles over the past two years I am confident that this one will be my go to rifle for a long time. 

I would be glad to share any other information you may have, just ask. 

Thanks for your time. 

All this yet you stated you don’t care about the Mutant enough to dig up the truth. I’m confused about your actual motives but I don’t believe you are interested in knowing or reporting the truth concerning the Mutant

You mean there is still not enough information posted? These people have stolen other person's work and patented it to make it their own. All the information is there, including where barrels labeled as made in Germany and Green or Carl Walther come from.

You mention that the Y forum blocks all the bad press on the Mutant.

The Y forum blocks a lot of information not only regarding Mutant accuracy and regulator issues

I don’t see all these rampant problems, you have brought up about the Mutant, being posted on other forums or this one.

So where do you think I got all this info from? Just made it up? :) Google it, it is ALL reported on other forums.
the magazines are simple to load, and the indexing is butter smooth.

So is on the HW100 from which this system was borrowed from and reworked. In fact the Mutant mag is almost identical to the one Kalibr rifles use

Cricket magazine

Mutant mag

HW100 magazine (original design)



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