Now Kajan Mutant?

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It has as good or better trigger than my FX Boss, FX Royale 500, Daystate Air Wolf and others. It has a superior magazine and indexing system in my opinion.

Great deal for $560! But in the US the selling price is $1440 with OEM barrel. The only thing you have forgotten to add is that it has a better wood then a Minnelli walnut :)

p.s. Daystate Airwolf has an electronic match trigger, it is insanely good. It does not compare to mechanical triggers.

Can shoot any number of shots and pull out magazine and refill even while hunting and already have one pellet in barrel by just leaving one hole empty. Dont have to load first pellet backwards and remove other pellets out of magazine before you refill.

And you can't pull out a mag on FX without cambering a pellet? :) Both the Raptor and Taipan used FX/Theoben style mag before. It is the simplest and most reliable system to use. The Raptor still uses that style magazine, they don't have to worry about patent infringement because it is not being exported out of Russia as I have heard.
I had accuracy issues with my Mutant as well. Ended up returning it to RL. I ended up buying an Airwolf that has been flawless for me and exceeded all my expectations. Jim at Precision Airguns was superb to deal with.

I have no doubt in RL Airgun Supply being an honest business. I think maybe Randy is unaware of folks he might dealing with there in Ukraine. He may be paying more for them then a reported $500 going price there. That is why it is always best for us Americans to have an agent working on our side when dealing with small vendors in countries like China, Russia, and Ukraine that knows how business is done there, and what US consumers expect here. Doing business in the East is not the same as dealing with UK or any Western European nation. We tend to believe what we are being told to be so. This does not work in the east where work ethic and product standards are far inferior to what we expect in the west.

If they switch CZ barrels to something else and not even make the importer aware of the fact then Taipan looks like an assembly sweat shop to me. I am sorry for saying that. But it is what it is as some wise guy used to say.
If they are so honest and unaware of who they deal with in Ukraine then why on the Y forum they block information and peoples posting rights? Somebody posts accuracy issues, regulator issues their Mutant has, and their post is gone.

I think they are well aware of what is going on, and block all info because they are making $1000 per gun on these.
I only post my honest opinion of guns I have owned including Daystate Airwolf MCT with electronic trigger. I absolutely like the trigger on the Taipan better. I prefer a real trigger over a mouse click trigger as many others do also. 

The Mutant magazine system is definately the best I have ever used. Daystate and FX mags are good but not nearly as easy to load and top off any time you want etc. I have owned both and can speak from experience where you just make stuff up. 

I also said that I thought the stock could use better finish. The design of the stock is great for hunting however. It easy to shoulder, balances well, easy to hold in different positions also.

There is no way in hell the exact gun I have can be purchased for what you say. Maybe from same manufacturer ran without as much attention to detail just throwing some together for another companys price and material specs without care for quality and rushing the whole process, no attention to detail and on and on. I'll buy one of each caliber and cancel my IMPACT pre order in a heartbeat if that was the case. I could buy 4 at that price.

Again I speak the facts as I have owned many great airguns but this one is as good as my FX Royale 500, Daystate Airwolf MCT, FX Boss, AirArmsS510 etc. it is of the highest quality and I like it very much. 

If you dont like hearing the truth from someone who has owned one for quite some time go elsewhere.

There is no way in hell the exact gun I have can be purchased for what you say.

I have taken a print screen from their website as well as provided you a link to the going price there. Take a look again at the price that was there until a few days ago

You can use google translate it does great with short sentences.

13200 Ukrainian Hryvnia equals 556.754 US Dollar

It is obvious they are watching this thread and US importer of these is going ballistic, so they have removed the price. In China these probably cost even less :) You should not be upset at me for sharing information but rather at a US dealer that made a killing selling you this gun positioning it as a high end rifle. As good as Air Wolf MCT? Really? :)
You sure are intent on lying about this issue. That is an older version with different magazine system. The entire machining, trigger components, quality control, materials used in manufacture, time allowed for assembly and on and on are most likely different. IMO my Taipan Mutant is superior to the Airwolf MCT I owned. It was a good rifle but the machining and the robustness of the breech block, trigger assembly, barrel shroud, magazine system is definately better on my Mutant. The breech block on the Airwolf was held in place by 4 extremely small screws. I could strip them out with two fingers on screwdriver. I should know as I did just that. I was pretty pissed they used such tiny screws. I was lucky and was able to use a coarse thread screw for a quick fix. I think they have improved the material and design of the newer MCTs but not positive. The MCT sure was pretty though. 

A crossman Marauder cost $500 and is a great beginner gun but is not even in the same league as the Taipan Mutant. The Mutant is better in every way imaginable. By your twisted logic a Marauder should only cost $100. 

Again you comparing an older inferior design to the new one. That like saying a 2016 Ford F-150 should not cost any more than a 2000 model. It is just ridiculous. 

I wish you were right so I could buy such a great rifle at a bargain price. Do you know 1 person who has purchased the new version of the Mutant built to the same specs. as the one I have for such an incredibly low price? The answer to that is NO. Again show me how to purchase the same gun as mine for that price and I will buy several and be happy happy happy. 
You sure are intent on lying about this issue. That is an older version with different magazine system

Well, You can check the version yourself again, here is the cached view before price was removed a few days ago And Here is the current page view with price removed. So who is not being honest here? Unless they magically have upgraded the gun in 2 days along with machinery pics show the same gun with new magazine system. Also if this is indeed the manufacturer of these rifles can we have a look at the factory as well as their machinery please?

The breech block on the Airwolf was held in place by 4 extremely small screws. I could strip them out with two fingers on screwdriver.

Let's look at a disassembly video just for reference. MK4 is the same action as the Air Wolf

The top part of the breech is held by 4 good size allen screws - 2 on each side. The little screws you are referring to are under the mag, they help secure the top part even more. So there is total of 6 screws holding the top part of the receiver. Where do you see weakness here?

my Taipan Mutant is superior to the Airwolf MCT I owned. It was a good rifle but the machining and the robustness of the breech block, trigger assembly, barrel shroud, magazine system is definately better on my Mutant.

I am sure there will be a lot of Ukrainians willing to trade with you Mutant for Airwolf or for FX Impact :)

Do you know 1 person who has purchased the new version of the Mutant built to the same specs. as the one I have for such an incredibly low price? The answer to that is NO. Again show me how to purchase the same gun as mine for that price and I will buy several and be happy happy happy.

I gave you the link with listed price, how to purchase is your business
AAS410, You have a point there sir. All this information that is circulating the net about where Taipan is made may have to do with the fact that there are several versions of these available build according to price the selling market can bare. It may very well be that those 500 dollar Mutants differ then those being exported to the US. Chinese do this all the time. They export better units abroad and sell junk ones domestically.

Still these facts do not look good for the manufacturer that they are engaged in this kind of business practice.
"OldTimer"AAS410, You have a point there sir. All this information that is circulating the net about where Taipan is made may have to do with the fact that there are several versions of these available build according to price the selling market can bare. It may very well be that those 500 dollar Mutants differ then those being exported to the US. Chinese do this all the time. They export better units abroad and sell junk ones domestically.

Still these facts do not look good for the manufacturer that they are engaged in this kind of business practice.
Thanks Oldtimer. Your post makes perfect sense.
Like I said you sure intent on lying. That is absolutely an older version of the Mutant with older version of magazine system. It even says Taipan 2 on the side of the breack block but I guess you can only read what you want. You got selective reading skills. I should know I own the newer improved version and use it a lot and very familiar with the magazine. You still make bs up. I have no reason to lie about this. I try and post video tomorrow to show you the difference since you uncapable of googling the newer design. You just intent to bash dealers and product for some reason. You dont have a clue. 

Those screws in the video of the Daystate MK4 are probably the same as the MCT I owned and are very small. If my memory serves me correct they are well under 1/8" in diameter and only engaged the threading in my particular rifle for about 3 turns which is not nearly enough in my opinion. Any deeper and you would have one hell of a leak. They are still good rifles but you better be extremely carefull tightening these screws. This information about the small screws on these rifles has been around for years. You just cant tell the truth. You have some kind of mental block when it comes to these facts. Have you owned a MCT or Taipan Mutant to see these facts first hand. No you have not. I have and have no reason to lie. I like these Daystate rifles even with the small screws holding on the block but it is nice to know and let others know that they can ruin their gun very easily just checking the tightness of these screws if they do not know better they WILL strip them out very easily and be very unhappy just like I was. No problem with these guns if you are aware of this issue so you can avoid the same easy mistake I made. 

I have none of the issues you mention. That is probably due to the American Importer paying more money and having these guns built to a much higher standard than the crap you keep posting link to. I would also think they asked for better materials and also changed the design in the areas they wanted, pay more for better assembly and quality control etc. Why is this so hard for you to understand? 

Again show me link to the same gun American Importer selling made to exact same specs etc. for $500 and I will buy 3 more imediately. It is not even close to possible to build the gun I purchased from American Importer for that price.

If they made a .30 that proved accurate to the same high standard of quality as my .22 I would pay $1500 and it would be a bargain compared to what some other guns cost that are no better in any area other than the stock and maybe how pretty it is to you. I own one and have worked in machine shop for 24 years in quality control and know first hand what I have and how well it made etc. You just make bs up for no reason. It time to stop bashing a product, company, dealers when you dont know what you talking about. 

You would not last 5 minutes here if you made up the same crap about FX or Daystate. I love FX and Daystate they make great products but the Taipan Mutant I own is every bit as high quality and I happen to like the magazine system better. I might like the Impact magazine as good because they hold a lot of pellets so you dont have to top them off as much. Two full Impact mags probably enough to hunt all day. Very happy they made the large capacity magazines. Also the Impact has forward cocking handle which I believe I would like better. 
You sound like an involved dealer or their affiliate :) Again all the information posted can be verified. As I said before pricing information on Tamaun website was pulled down only a few days ago. That is why google cached snapshot was used as a proof. We are talking about the same gun Taipan 2 aka Mutant.

What is deceiving is to position these rifles in the same league as Daystate and FX. If you would say FX and Daystate have a competition from Steyr, HW100, Air Arms, I would say you are correct. But not Taipan based on what is shown. And especially it does not compete with Airwolf MCT.

Just picture this if Daystate or FX were putting fake barrels on their rifles that say they are made in Germany. Or they would produce guns with different qc standards according to the marker they were selling. Only OEM product producers offer this to their clients.

The idea behind branding first and foremost is quality, and uniqueness regardless of the market it is being sold at. Because it is a Brand.

So what you are saying really makes no sense.
You would not last 5 minutes here if you made up the same crap about FX or Daystate

Are you sure of that?

FX is been beaten on and on this forum in a way that is too much. Rather then taking their hat off and thanking Frederick for another marvelous gun like the Impact they get jumped on for really minor issues with prototype rifles.

p.s. You keep saying I made something up. This information is there, and was there.
You still lying! Taipan 2 is not Taipan Mutant. I own a Mutant and it is plain to see magazine system is different and much more attention to detail. You need to turn off your selective seeing superpower you have. It definately affecting your judgment. Others can see your lies by comparing the picture of the one you keep crying about. Everyone else can see the magazine system is different and the older Taipan 2 label. This is clear as night and day to any one with a brain. I dont sell guns for a living just like buying them.Have never received 1 penny from any one for talking about or reviewing airguns. Just another obvious lie you told that plain for all to see. I have owned both guns you speak of. You have owned neither. I talk from first hand experience.I will make sure to post video review here since you so intent on deceiving people and they can judge for themselves. You just drawing attention to the quality of gun that is the Taipan Mutant. You are probably going to help them sell more because you pissed me off with your lies so I will make video so others can see what a quality gun they really are and how full of it you are. I'll make sure to share the video with several other forums also. Might as well help them sell some more just to make you happy :)How you like them apples?
If someone wants to spend their money on that gun then that is their prerogative. As far as I can tell, all of the ones that had issues were able to get them resolved through the retailer (btw that whole refund thing, that's part of the markup and why we shop domestically). Why not show up and say "Hey you guys interested in the Taipan. I found this other site that has them way cheaper you should check them out." Its not what you're sayin its how your sayin it. I mean while you've been bitchin' they dropped the price to 383.38 USD on your Sep. 19, 2013 archived site. You can buy up a whole bunch and sell them here for only $800, be the capitolism hero, and not be so butt hurt that someone else is taking advantage of US market mark ups. And honestly without any input from the manufacturer all this is just speculation. So now that you've said all this, we've established that different countries have different models of this gun, at different points in time, for different prices, wtf is the point?
I just went to the actual site from your archived example, and it is functioning but its kinda bare. The Taipan 2 is on there right along side the Mutant as two different guns, neither for sale and with no information about them. I sent a email to to ask for some clarification. I did have to fight a 3 headed fire breathing dragon, climb a 10,000 meter vertical cliff face, and then battle through a tower full of traps and ghouls before I was able to ask the question, so can understand why you would've opted not to, but rest assured I'll post the crap outta that reply as soon as I get it
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 to tamaun
I am in United States and have seen several versions of the Taipan gun. The Kajan looks similar also. Do you manufacture these guns? Could you provide me with any information about the guns origin and where they are made? Thank you

Dear Customer!
We are manufacturers of rifles Taipan. Also we have patents on Some parts of of the rifle.
I understand your doubts. Some wholesalers inscription on the receiver can be changed. For example, in Russia, we are changing the country of manufacture (we write "Made in Russia"). This is done so that Russian buyers had no problem with the police. As the Russian air rifle must have permission. This is considered a weapon. Also we change the inscription on the receiver for our buyer "Kajan" We sell at the retail price list. Therefore, they put too high a price for their own benefit.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Marketing director, Dmitriy Kobtsev
03187 Ukraine
Kiev, Glushkova 40
+38 044 599-35-77
+38 067 238-92-05

Fair enough, never said I could tell very far. So one issue is with the other forums then. Cool beans. We're not there. That's taken care of. Second issue is with the short Mutants not shooting properly. You don't complain to walmart when your ps4 has software issues you go to sony. Same here. I guess I'm the first to contact the manufacturer, and well I don't own one, nor am I interested in owning one but I did start up a dialogue with Dmitriy Tamaun, who makes the guns (he's the "T" in the triangle emblem). I gave him a link to this discussion and asked him to join in and offer support for his product. Hopefully he will and will answer any questions.
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