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Resources NRL22 Rules & Regulations


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Official 2019 / 2020 Rules and Regulations as written by the NRL 22 commission.


The goal of the NRL 22 is to make Precision Rifle shooting more available to every community. The NRL22 understands that the shooting community is fascinated with Precision Rifle, but most localities are not fortunate enough to have a 1000-yard range. However, nearly all localities have access to 100-yard ranges and most shooters own a 22 rifle. The monthly course of fire, NRL 22 Standard Target Package and standard barricades are all intended to be turnkey solutions to simple, fun and affordable Precision Rifle matches. Local clubs may use and submit scores for the monthly courses of fire to compete with the entire country. Additionally, local club’s Match Directors are encouraged to run supplemental courses of fire as well. We recommend tailoring additional courses of fire to the taste of your shooters. Longer ranges, more complicated barricades, run and gun, easier or harder additional courses of fire are just a few ways that you can expand your matches. Please share your creativity with the NRL22 community, as it just may show up in next month’s course of fire for the entire country to shoot! Have fun, stay safe, and if ever there was an opportunity to take a kid shooting, THIS IS IT!!!

Directory for the 2019 / 2020 NRL 22 SEASON

SECTION 1, NRL22 Organization and Responsibilities

A. Executive Staff

SECTION 2, Safety

A. General Rifle Safety
B. Rifle Safety While at a NRL22 Match
C. Rifle Safety During Your Stage
D. Safety Violations and Penalties

SECTION 3, Local NRL22 Match Format

A. NRL22’s Responsibilities
B. Shooters Responsibilities
C. Match Directors Responsibilities
D. Range Officers Responsibilities

SECTION 4, National Championship match format

A. National Championship Rules

SECTION 5, Rifle Rules, Classes, Scoring, 2019/2020 schedule, and National Championship Qualification

A. Rifle Rules
B. Classes
C. Scoring
D. 2019/2020 season schedule
E. National Championship Match Qualification

SECTION 6, Sportsmanship

A. Good Sportsmanship
B. Unsportsmanlike Conduct
C. Cheating
D. Penalties for Unsportsmanlike Conduct and Cheating


A. Tank Trap Plans


SECTION 1, NRL22 Organization and Responsibilities

A. Executive Staff

The NRL22 has an executive staff whose responsibilities include day to day operations, media, match operations, logistics, marketing and finances. President appoints the executive staff. For the 2019 / 2020 season, the Executive staff is as follows:

1. President / Media Director – Travis Ishida
2. Director of Match Operations – Tyler Frehner
3. Finance and Logistics Director – Ian Kelbly
4. Marketing Director / Financial Analyst – Brittney Weldon

SECTION 2, Safety

A. General Rifle Safety

1. Always point your rifle in a safe direction. Never point a rifle at anything you don’t intend to kill or destroy.
2. Always keep your rifle unloaded until ready to use. Treat all rifles as though they are loaded even if you believe otherwise.
3. Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.
4. Know your target and what is beyond.
5. Always wear proper eye and ear protection and ensure others have the same before firing.
6. Never use alcohol or drugs while shooting.
7. Individual Range safety rules always supersede NRL 22 rules.

B. Rifle Safety While at a NRL22 Match

1. Due to the many different types of 22 rifles, chamber flags are essential equipment to quickly ensure rifles are in a safe condition. NRL22 will take many steps to ensure that chamber flags are easily obtainable and available.
2. NRL22 competitions are always cold ranges. All rifles are to be unloaded, with magazines out, or empty and actions open. Rifles shall only be loaded, or magazines inserted when directed by the Range Officers. Chamber flags shall be utilized and kept in the action until directed to be removed by the Range Officer.
3. Ground rifles in a proper rifle rack, or where ever the Range Officer designates as a safe location and direction.
4. Rifles with removable magazines are strongly encouraged. Rifles with fixed tubular magazines are discouraged as they are more difficult to make safe. Range Officers should pay extra attention to shooters with fixed magazines.
5. When moving to another shooting location, always ensure the rifle is pointed in a safe direction.

C. Rifle Safety During Your Stage

1. Always wait for the Range Officer’s command of “load and make ready” until you insert or load the magazine and remove the chamber flag.
2. Stages always begin with magazine in and bolt to the rear or with an empty chamber (if unable to put the bolt to the rear) unless specifically directed by the match booklet and the Range Officer.
3. Any movement or barricade transition must be done with the action open and an empty chamber. The only exception to this rule will be with the use of semi-automatic rifles but only at the approval of the Match Director. If the MD allows this, the shooter must engage the safety, and yell “safe” loud enough for the RO to hear with ear protection.
4. During movement, the 180 rule must always be adhered to. The 180 rule refers to only pointing the rifle within 90 degrees of straight forward. There may be stages when a Range Officer reduces the 180 rule even more. Always follow directions and be aware of where you are pointing your rifle.

D. Safety Violations and Penalties

1. Violation of the cold range rule: Any shooter who has violated the cold range rule shall be issued a warning. A second violation will result in a stage zero. Next violation will result in a match DQ and removal from competition. This includes a live round in the chamber, magazine inserted, a closed action, or chamber flag not being used.
2. Muzzling and/or violating the 180 rule: Muzzling is pointing or sweeping another person’s body with the muzzle of a rifle. There will be no warning of this unsafe act. If any shooter muzzles any other attendee, that action shall result in match DQ and removal from competition. It will be the duty of the RO to inform the MD of the infraction, and the MD’s call to issue the match DQ.
3. Unsafe transitioning: Transitioning on a barricade, or movement without having the action open will result in the Range Officer having the shooter correct the situation, then move back to the previous position firing position before resuming the course of fire. A second violation will result in a zero for the stage. A third will result in the shooter getting a match DQ and removal from competition. If the match allows for Semi-Automatic rifles to move with a closed bolt with the safety engaged, the same rule applies if the shooter does not either engage the safety and/or yell “safe”.
4. Negligent Discharge (ND). A Negligent Discharge is defined as any round unintentionally discharged from a firearm during a transition, movement, and/or weapons manipulation; or a round intentionally discharged during a cease fire period. The competitor shall receive a match DQ and removal from competition.
5. Accidental Discharge/Mechanical Failure (AD). An Accidental Discharge is defined as any round unintentionally discharged from a firearm due to a mechanical failure. The participant will be removed from the event until he or she can repair the rifle to safe working order. All stages and points will be forfeited during this down time.
6. False Starts. Firing before the start signal will result in a zero for the stage.
7. If a Match Director judges a shooter to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during competition, the shooter will receive a match DQ and be removed from competition. The shooter will not be allowed to drive from the competition while still intoxicated.

SECTION 3, NRL22 Local Match Format

Special Note: It is not the intention of NRL22 to tell any local club how to conduct their matches. Most of the below information is to be utilized as a guide if that club is new. The exception are the rules with an “ * ” these rules are to be followed as closely as possible if that club wants to be included in the National competition.

A. NRL’s Responsibilities

1.  * The NRL 22 will provide a local monthly course of fire based off the NRL22 Standard Target Package and Standard Barricade List. The local monthly course of fire will always be a total of 5 stages, 100 yards or less and different every month. It will be distributed one week before the intended month (example: the December 2019 Course of Fire will be released November 24th, 2019) and will only be run during that month. Because the course of fire is known to all, it can be practiced, and allows clubs to have their Match Directors and Range Officers participate with no advantage. Because those 5 stages will be the same across the nation, all clubs will be able to participate in a larger nationwide competition. The local monthly course of fire will always have 2 prone stages, a barricade stage, a positional stage and one stage that could be any of the above. One of these 5 stages will be a paper stage to help reduce ties. All steel targets will be 10 points per hit, and paper stages will be 10 down to 1 based off accuracy.
2. * The NRL22 will provide a Standard Target Package. The [url="https://nationalrifleleague.org/product/nrl22-rimfire-target-package/"]NRL22 Standard Target Package
 may be purchased on the NRL22’s web page. The NRL22 web page will also have the Standard Target Package plans available for free if anyone should choose to make the Standard Target Package themselves. The NRL22 Standard Target Package is extremely affordable at $329.99. The local monthly course of fire will utilize the NRL22 Standard Target Package so that all 5 courses of fire can occur at the same time by different squads and not utilize the same target. The NRL22 Standard target package is: 1/4”, ½”, ¾”, 1” KYL Targets, 1″, 2x 1 ½”, 2x 2”, 2x 2 ½” 2x 3”, 4”, 5” and 6” circles all constructed of ¼” AR 500 steel, along with 10 target hangers all constructed of 3/16” AR 500 steel.
3. * The NRL22 will provide a Standard Barricade List for the 2019/2020 season. This list of standard barricades will be very simple, affordable and mostly common items. These items will be utilized in different monthly courses of fire, so they do not need to be obtained until that month. Part numbers from Home Depot are provided to provide reference to the item we are using, something close will work. The standard barricade list is: 6 foot A-frame ladder (#100662617), 5 gallon plastic bucket (#05GLHD2), 2 gallon plastic bucket (#RG502), 3 cinder blocks measuring 8”x8”x16” (#100825), 10 feet of any rope, a folding chair with an open back (#80587), a used pick up truck tire that can be obtained free at any tire store (overall diameter between 28-32”), a 55 gallon plastic drum that can be obtained free from car wash’s, a saw horse with a shelf on the bottom (#194988), and a tank trap (Instructions to construct the tank trap are in the addendum section, Thanks Steve Lowe from Yuma Matchmasters!)
4. * The NRL22 will gather and publish Local Monthly match scores from all participating clubs for a flat fee of $30 per month per club. This will allow every club’s participating shooters to be able to compete with every participating shooter in the entire nation every month. The NRL22 will utilize the local monthly scores to track who qualifies for the NRL22 National Championship Match and as one way to distribute sponsor’s prizes. The NRL22 will only track NRL22 member’s scores. Shooters will have a one-month grace period to purchase 2019/2020 NRL22 membership. NRL22 membership shall be $75 for adults and $25 for Young Guns. Each Membership includes a welcome package with a gift.
5. The NRL22 will shop for and promote sponsors through media efforts. Sponsor’s donated prizes will be distributed every month by that sponsor’s wishes. NRL22 will do a monthly YouTube Live show to award prizes. Winners will be notified by email and social media of the prizes they have won. (Example: Product X wishes for their prize to go to the top overall shooter. Every club’s top overall shooter will be put in a random number generator and awarded that prize.)

B. Shooters Responsibilities

1. Shooters should treat Match Directors and Range Officers with respect at all times. From time to time, disagreements arise between shooters and match officials. This is fine, so long as mutual respect and calm communication occurs. The Match Directors ruling is always final.
2. All participants in NRL22 matches are looked upon as Safety Officers. Any participant that witnesses an unsafe act is to call for a cease fire and stop the unsafe act. The participant should then inform the closest Range Officer of the act.
3. It is the shooters responsibility to know the NRL22’s Rules and Regulations prior to a competition.
4. Shooters should actively participate in any stage briefing to move the shoot along smoothly.
5. Shooters shall understand that at the beginning of the stage, when asked by the Range Officer “Shooter do you understand the course of fire?” If they give an affirmative answer, that will be their last opportunity to get clarification. Because of this, arguments that they did not understand anything about the stage, or its targets are invalid.
6. Shooters should be good squad mates by helping police brass, helping Range Officers when directed, and providing coaching to other shooters after their stage is complete. Help setting up and taking down the match is also a big help to the club.
7. Sponsors are very important to the NRL22. It is encouraged that the shooter writes emails thanking the sponsors that supported the competition.
8. To bring their targets for sight in period if he or she chooses to participate. Also, to share targets with other shooters.
9. Shooters may only participate in one class per month.
10. Shooters may participate in multiple different clubs in one month, however, only the first match that is participated in counts for official score.

C. Match Directors Responsibilities

1. Match Directors are responsible for the overall direction of a match. He or she is the person in charge at that event.
2. The monthly course of fire is intended to be as inclusive as possible for as many communities as possible and to provide an avenue for each locality to compete in the larger national match for prizes, points and qualification. It is only 5 courses of fire. Local Match Directors are encouraged to run additional courses of fire with maximum creativity suited to their range and shooters tastes. Perhaps run and gun, pistol, or longer range is what your club likes. Please share your favorite stages with the NRL22 community on social media.
3. Match Directors must have a scoring system that allows for quick tabulation of points and must allow shooters to see their scores after the stage. Using a system that makes the shooter sign or acknowledge their score is encouraged. If utilizing paper scoring, rain should be accounted for. If using electronic scoring, failure of equipment and battery life should be accounted for and paper backup should be available.
4.  Match Directors shall provide a 30-minute sight in period and to gather DOPE targets at all of the distances in the NRL22’s local monthly course of fire. Note, it is not the Match Director’s responsibility to provide targets for this period but may do so if he or she chooses to.
5.  Match Directors must provide match scores within 3 days after the end of the month and pay the score tracking fee if they want their club’s scores counted.
6. Sponsors are very important to the NRL. Match Directors are encouraged to pass along an email to all shooters after the competition with the email address for every sponsor for thank you notes.

D. Range Officers Responsibilities

1. Range Officers are any person assisting in running a competition, not including the Match Director. They can be the person running a stage, a spotter, the sign in person, or anyone that the Match Director acknowledged, as working the match.
2. Range Officers should understand all Rules and Regulations prior to the start of the competition to ensure the safety off all participants. Any Range Officer witnessing unsafe acts shall call cease fire and correct the unsafe act as soon as possible.
3. Range Officers that are running a stage shall have complete knowledge of the stage that they are responsible for. They should conduct a stage briefing for all shooters prior to each stage and assist in target location on stages that allow for prior target knowledge. After stage briefing, the squad will have 5 minutes to prep before the first shooter is called. Once the stage begins, the Range Officer shall run every shooter though that stage as close to the same as humanly possible. Match Directors shall ensure that Range Officers utilize standard commands at their competition. (Encouraged standard commands are as follows. “Shooter do you understand the course of fire?” If no questions are asked, then “Shooter clear to load and make ready”. Once the shooter makes his or her rifle ready, “Shooter Ready?” Once an affirmative is obtained, the start tone should follow.
4. Range Officers that are serving as spotters are responsible for calling hits or misses. Utilization of standard calls is encouraged. Standard calls are “impact” or “impact left target” or “reengage”. Spotters should use loud clear voices when calling stages. Calling corrections during the stage is not allowed but encouraged AFTER the stage is complete.
5. Anytime a Range Officer is not able to settle a grievance presented by a shooter, he or she shall request the Match Director to make the final judgment.
6. From time to time, reshoots of stages will occur for reasons such as a cease fire being called, prop malfunction or target breakage. The Range Officer may offer a reshoot anytime he or she thinks it is warranted. A shooter may also request a reshoot to the Range Officer. If the Range Officer denies the request, the shooter may request to bring the issue to the Match Director. The Match Director’s ruling is final. The Match Director shall also inform the shooter if they are able to request another reshoot in the remainder of the competition. Reshoots may be complete stage reshoots or starting in the middle of the stage with points and time consistent with the stoppage. The score on the reshoot will be the only score used.

SECTION 4, National Championship match format

A. National Championship Match Rules

1. The NRL22 National Championship match shall consist of at least 170 rounds fired, and at least 15 individual stages. Having a sight in and DOPE gathering time is mandatory. Targets shall be at distance for shooters to gather elevation and environmental data.
2. The National Championship match will not release any information regarding stages or props beforehand.
3. No single stage should be worth 1.5 times over the amount of another stage. Additionally, a stage in which a single shot removes all points without the opportunity to earn any back is discouraged.
4. It is understood that many ranges operate for profit and shutting a range down is not possible. Also, that train ups assist in profits for the range. Therefore, shooting at the range prior to a competition is allowed. Shooting on the ranges props is also allowed. However, shooting specific stages before the competition must not be allowed for any reason. For these reasons, it is important that the Match Director be involved or at least has knowledge of events taking place at the range prior to his or her competition so having common stages and /or course of fire does not occur.
5. No National Championship competitor may be allowed to assist in forming the stages course of fire or assist in set up of the match. Range Officers and the Match Director are all dedicated to that event and shall not participate in the match.
6. From time to time, reshoots of stages will occur for reasons such as a cease fire being called, prop malfunction or target breakage. The Range Officer may offer a reshoot anytime he or she thinks it is warranted. A shooter may also request a reshoot to the Range Officer. If the Range Officer denies the request, the shooter may request to bring the issue to the Match Director. The Match Director’s ruling is final. The Match Director shall also inform the shooter if they are able to request another reshoot in the remainder of the competition. Reshoots may be complete stage reshoots or starting in the middle of the stage with points and time consistent with the stoppage. The score on the reshoot will be the only score used.
7. There will be a tiebreaker stage at the National Championship Match. The tiebreaker stage will be designated as such in the shooter booklet. The tiebreaker will go off of the shooters score on that stage. Match directors are encouraged to use paper stages with points broken down according to accuracy to reduce the chance of ties. In the event of a tie, the Match Director shall have the shooters repeat the tie breaker until the tie is broken.
8. Shooters may only participate in one class at the National Championship.

SECTION 5, Rifle Rules, Classes, Scoring, 2019/2020 Schedule, and Championship Qualification

A. Rifle Rules

1. Rifles must be chambered in .22 Long Rifle. This cartridge is the most common and available rimfire cartridge. At these ranges it also most closely mimics centerfire cartridges at Precision Rifle. 17 HMR, 22 Magnum and like rimfires cartridges are not allowed.
2. Any .22 Long Rifle chambered rifle may be used, however, rifles with removable magazines are strongly encouraged. Rifles with fixed tubular magazines are discouraged as they are difficult to make safe. Range Officers should pay extra attention to shooters with fixed magazines.
3. Any scope, iron sights, or electronic sights may be used. However, magnified rifle scopes with externally adjustable turrets and reticles designed to assist in holdover and measurement are highly recommended.
4. Competitors may participate in the Air Rifle, Young Guns, or Ladies class with an Air Rifle.

B. Classes

1. The Base class is intended to be budget oriented. It is also intended to be a class to allow an introduction to this fantastic shooting discipline. It is not intended to be a place for veteran shooters to remain, however, the NRL22 will not regulate that. Any rifle system that comes in under a combined MSRP of $1050 shall be eligible to compete in Base class. This combined MSRP price is for the rifle and scope only. It excludes scope rings and bases, bipods, suppressors, data card holders, magazines, spare magazine holders, auto bolt releases, aftermarket triggers and extended magazine releases. Factory barrels may be threaded to accept a suppressor. Adjustments to the stock to get proper cheek weld, trigger jobs, and bedding of the stock are also allowed. Any rifles and scopes that are out of current production cannot be utilized as the MSRP is not available to check. Also, manufacturers may change the MSRP of their products from time to time. Neither price changes nor discontinuations of products are the fault of the NRL22. At sign in, the Match Director shall inspect the rifle and ensure that the combined MSRP comes in under $1050. If it goes over, the shooter shall compete in the open class. This determination and interpretation of the Base class rules are solely decided by the local Match Directors for their own clubs. Any emails or correspondence regarding Base class rules to NRL22 staff will be replied to please check with your local match director. For the National Championship however, these rules will be followed to the letter. There will be a gunsmith present at the NRL22 National Championship for Base class rifle inspections. A list of popular rifle and scopes MSRPs will be included in the monthly course of fire.
2. Young Guns will be any shooter between ages 8-16. Age requirement is allowable as soon as a child turns 8, and no older than 16 at the time of the first match of the season. A parent or guardian must be present with the shooter, who will take responsibility for the actions of the Young Gun. Young Guns must be able to operate their firearm safely by themselves with no hands-on assistance from the parent or guardian. However, verbal coaching is absolutely acceptable and encouraged. Young Guns may abide by Base, Open, or Air Rifle class rules.
3. Ladies class is for the woman shooter. Ladies may abide by Base, Open, or Air Rifle class rules.
4. Open class shooters have no restrictions on equipment.
5. Shooters must pick one class to shoot at the beginning of a local monthly shoot.
6. Air Rifle class is for air gunners. The Air Rifle must be a .30 caliber or lower. Tethered tanks are not allowed. Projectiles must be mass produced, domed pellets. No slugs or cast bullets allowed.

C. Local Match Scoring

1. Local Match points for the 2019/2020 season will be acquired by the shooter by competing in any of the first 9 2019/2020 (June of 2019 to February of 2020) season sanctioned NRL22 Local monthly competitions. Although we will have local shoots in March, and April, those shoots will not count for national shoot qualification, but will have prizes.
2. Each class’s winner will be awarded 100 points. Match points will be based off the percentage of the winning shooter for each class. (For example, if the winning shooter scores 480 points, and the second-place shooter scores 460 points you would divide 460 by 480 and multiply by 100 to end up with 95.83 points) Points will be rounded to the hundredth.
3. Environmental conditions, slight difference in Course of Fire interpretation, and local match sizes are inevitably going to be different. For all these reasons, the winner of any class in any local shoot is equivalent any other winner. Example: The open winner of the Las Vegas local match scores 485/500 points with no wind and 30 shooters. The open winner of the Albuquerque local match scores 230/500 points with sustained 30 MPH winds and 12 participants. NRL 22 sees both scores as the same 100 points and both winners along with any other local match winners are eligible for a chance at any prizes designated for the Open class winner.

D. 2019/2020 Schedule

1. The NRL 22 schedule is designed to not overlap with the NRL schedule. Typically, the NRL National Championship match is late in the year to early the next year. So, the NRL22 National Championship will be in the Spring.
2. The local monthly matches to qualify for the 2019/2020 National Championship will take place from June 2019 until February 2020.
3. There will be a local match for fun, prizes and practice in March and April 2020.
4. The Championship Competition will take place in May 2020.
5. The 2020 / 2021 season will start in June of 2020.

E. National Championship Match Qualification

1. The NRL22 will be responsible for conducting a National Championship match at the end of the season in May. Tentatively, the National Championship match is to be held May 22, 23 and 24 of 2020 in Mount Pleasant Tennessee. Further specific details will be disclosed closer to the match date.
2. The NRL22 Executive Staff will determine how many shooters qualify from each local club by NRL22 membership and average participation according to how many shooters can be hosted. Local Match Directors will determine which shooters have the first available slots by their clubs’ shooters best 3 scores from June of 2019 to February of 2020. If that shooter does not choose to accept the invitation, the Match Director shall go to the second-place shooter. This process shall continue until all spots are filled. If the Match Director cannot fill all his or her allotted slots, they shall inform the NRL22 that they are surrendering X number of slots so those may be allotted to other clubs.
3. The National Champion in each class and the rest of the rankings will be determined solely by the National Championship matches points.

SECTION 6, Sportsmanship

A. Good Sportsmanship

1. Good Sportsmanship is one of the founding principles of NRL22 and is highly regarded by the NRL as a whole. Good sportsmanship helps grow the sport, creates positive role models, and is impressive to the sponsors. It is not something that can be quantified but is easy to recognize by all participants.
2. NRL22 will have a special trophy presented to a shooter at the National Championship match whom the NRL Board of Directors votes as deserving.

B. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

1. Unsportsmanlike conduct is taken very seriously by NRL22.
2. Examples of bad sportsmanship include treating participants or range staff with disrespect, unwarranted complaining, throwing tantrums, or being unpleasant.

C. Cheating

1. NRL22 defines cheating as: acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage in competition. Examples of cheating are:
2. Sabotaging another shooters equipment.
3. Using illegal modifications in the Base class.
4. Altering or destruction of score sheets.
5. Any other act as deemed unfair/cheating by a Range Officer or Match Director.

D. Penalties for Unsportsmanlike Conduct and Cheating

1. Any shooter whom is deemed as acting in an unsportsmanlike fashion will be subject to any penalty that the Match Director deems appropriate including warnings, stage zero’s and/or match DQ and being removed from competition.
2. The only penalty appropriate for cheating shall be the Match Director issuing a match DQ and being removed from competition.


A. Tank Trap Plans (Credits by Steve Lowe, MD and Mike Robinson, Assistant MD, Yuma Master Matches)

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