o-ring replacement benjamin marauder .177


Have you done (or can you recommend) a good youtube video on tuning the marauder? I am not talking about messing the with the valve, just the port on the back of the gun (where you can bleed the air out)? From what I understand, there's a couple of things you can adjust using 2 different size allen wrenches.

I just replaced my valve (that was faulty) with one from archer airguns, so I am not interested in messing with that.

FYI I'm using my marauder to give chipmunks and long-tailed tree rats lead poisoning at pretty close range (15-20 yards or so). So no fancy target shooting or anything like that.


Offhand I don't, but this might shed some light on the subject. This was written by Ray and Hans Apelles (Crosman's former A-Team), and you should be able to adjust your gun to your liking with this information. I hope the link works, if not get back to me, I'll try again.
Tom Holland 
Not a video but excelent real world novice working on a marauder blog with pictures & facts.
Marauder Project – .177 Tuning (Part 2)

Click over to "marauder" on the left column for many well written marauder/airgun things. Has a short sweet section on just jow simple a reg instal is for someone who has never seen an airgun and a few other cool ideas.

. . . late to this thread - I'm looking for an o-ring kit myself for a gen 2 .177. I've keyed in / googled archer airguns a couple of times and keep getting a page not found. :( Are they still in business or has their domain / web page moved? Anyone know?

Maybe try "oring store" or such?

Or if only orings, download the crosman parts pdf - does list sizes-then run down to Ace Hardware and grab what you need, or, give crosman a call with parts numbers and CC in hand. The hardware store would be just fine.

John / Tom - thanks guys. I've read in this post that I might want to beware using o-rings from a general purpose hardware store though? If you guys dis-agree than I will certainly take your word for it as I'm still pretty far down on the learning curve here re: air gunning. There is an ACE hardware store not to far from where I live. :)

Regarding archerairguns.com - I'll keep trying but for right now I can't get to it (?) using either chrome or internet exploder - I get the screen shot below. I've tried both http and https too. {shrug shoulders}


I buy my O rings from an industrial rubber and gasket store in my home town. Do not get the 90 durometer rings as they will not compress enough to be used. I got a dozen #118 O rings for the valve body etc. of my Marauder for a dollar. Just make out a list and buy enough to be done for it. I bring a bread twist tie to keep the sizes separate. You can also make a label to indicate the size and location of the rings.
When using O-rings for your Benjamin Marauder, it’s important to choose high-quality ones that can handle the pressure and wear over time. The basic O-rings from hardware stores tend to wear out quickly, so upgrading to 70 duro+ O-rings is a great option. These durable O-rings, especially with a little vacuum grease or divers' silicone, will slide over threads more easily and create a better seal. Additionally, be sure to protect the gauge port hole, as it can chew up O-rings if left unprotected. You can either cover it with your thumb or use a tool designed for this purpose. My shop has O-rings specifically for the Benjamin Marauder.
Are you sure that you are not catching on that spot on the air tube where the pressure gauge hangs out. This is a common location where this can occur. Back when I had an M-rod this would happen to be if I was not very careful. Even then it could still happen. There is a block you can get that will sit in that notch allowing you to push the parts through without damaging the o-rings. Never picked one up myself and did consider it. Dig around a bit and Im sure you could find one. Not sure what they are actually called.
I think the OP now some 7 years later has probably given up and bought an FX and now has dozens of leaks and drifting POI to be concerned with.

For anyone doing a search and comes across this fossil paleo thread, being as the M-Rod is still in production and as good today as it ever was, do not use lithium grease on the O-rings. Use only 100% silicone grease. Use a hook deburring tool to deburr the inside of the gauge port hole to prevent cutting O-rings there.