I ordered some O-rings from the O Ring Store and saw they had this grid paper that you can use to determine the size of O rings. For $10, I thought I'd give it a shot.
I will insert some pictures and hope they make sense. It works pretty well. What you do is lay your O-ring on the grid, open the app and take a screen shot. It computes all the data and gives you a dimension of the O-ring.

Here is the grid

Set your O-ring in the middle and screen shot in the app. It processes the picture and:


Then it gives you a screen of the dimensions and a possible part number. The first O-ring I shot was a 8mm x 1.5mm.
pretty close dimensions. 0.02mm difference.


This is one of a 20.5 x 2mm. ID is a little farther off, but probably my picture taking.
FWIW, it may be useful to someone. I would use it to order the best size that makes sense. For instance, on this one, I would look for a 20.5 x 2 mm

I trust my digital caliper more, but I may be an old fashioned mechanical engineer :)
The other thing is, I always download the (airgun) Manuals from websites, re type the entire o-ring BOM (bill of material) into my spreadsheet.
When I need to order anything for my own stock - I buy in little bags of 25 or 50 = that volume is for lifetime.
If I can recall correctly I have about 78-80 sizes - from the books - in my o-rings safe.
I like oringsandmore, the online selection is well organized and ordering I find very friendly.
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