Official Release Simple PCP Calculator / Mobile


toajirbx7u3a1 - Copy.jpg
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Can you provide a link to the latest open office version? Thank you.

That one is private, only public release I have is the google sheets version.

My reasons:

1) Google Sheets is accessible to everyone, and even on mobile if you really want.
2) I can update the sheet easily and anyone can download a new version/copy and copy over their data/tables if they need
3) My Open Office version may be more robust however it is clunkier, more advanced and very script heavy, I personally prefer my google sheets version for its simplicity and if I update/work on any version further it would be it.

I haven't updated a thing in 3 or 4 years now though, I consider it pretty well good enough for my needs.

*edit* (I lie, I did add one thing, and added it to the shared version, however I doubt anyone will make use of this complex set of data for a pilot valve lol, but its pretty cool data!)


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Another sheet I worked on in the past and need to finish/polish. It automatically collects weather data (temp/rh/wind strength and direction) based on your location, however this version requires a script to run/update that data which I have left out of the current version. Not sure I will ever 100% finish this but its pretty nifty

Vertical spread is approximated based on your FPS variance, while horizontal is based on wind. There are 2 graphs, the main reticle graph showing point of aim and the graph showing potential grouping/placement due to variables at this distance, the greater the distance the larger that group will get, shown below....50 yard, 75 yard, 100 yard, 125 yard. Various other bits of data shown too, retained fps/fpe, you can display ideal twist rate, projectile sg, flight time, change between mrad/moa/inch, and in my other version, much more which I may integrate to this version if I ever decide to update/push it for release.

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Added visual display of potential margin of error in POI due to FPS variance/extreme spread, which makes shot analysis quick and easy to determine if a shot is humane, practical, or just to get an idea how much may be out of your control. In the below example I made the fps variance/extreme spread 40 and used a low power tune to show the visualization in a more extreme case. As you see below, at 75 yards where 1 mil = 2.7", the potential vertical spread is over 1 mil @ 3.08", which is without human error, I'd say unless the kill zone is that big, this particular fictional gun/tune would be best at ~50 yards or under.

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However, if we tighten up that ES from 40 down to 15fps , it certainly is more capable at 60 yards for a 1" kill zone...imo.


Next I'll add some charts to display drop/path/mil/moa/and some other data, which you can see a glimpse of here. Until then, happy shootin'!

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That one is private, only public release I have is the google sheets version.

My reasons:

1) Google Sheets is accessible to everyone, and even on mobile if you really want.
2) I can update the sheet easily and anyone can download a new version/copy and copy over their data/tables if they need
3) My Open Office version may be more robust however it is clunkier, more advanced and very script heavy, I personally prefer my google sheets version for its simplicity and if I update/work on any version further it would be it.

I haven't updated a thing in 3 or 4 years now though, I consider it pretty well good enough for my needs.

*edit* (I lie, I did add one thing, and added it to the shared version, however I doubt anyone will make use of this complex set of data for a pilot valve lol, but its pretty cool data!)

View attachment 483037


I might make use of the added data set, lol. Thanks for sharing.

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Added Mil/Path(inches) graphs to the external ballistic sheet.

External ballistics is not my specialty so any progress/changes/support for it will be minimal. This all started as just a little challenge for myself with internal ballistics and honestly has grown beyond what I ever imagined. It's been a really fun project to tackle through-out the years and I can't predict where it goes from here, as the intent is to keep each sheet as minimal/mobile friendly yet as data rich as possible, while being accessible for all via computer, tablet, mobile thanks to google sheets, a universally available app via web, which is extremely limiting itself. Overall I am very happy with the layout of it all and am quite proud of myself for this achievement in being able to visually display both internally and externally a comprehensive set of data, both predicted and from actual results of firing a pneumatic airgun. It's not the most user friendly nor is it unfriendly, rather it's just complex with a lot of data input required for accurate results. However I made this solely for myself, and am sharing it only because I once was in a position where someone had a similar sheet they wouldn't share, and I was devastated which started me along this journey, and honestly I would be extremely selfish to not share. So I apologize in advanced for my scatter brain if you happen to dive into tinkering.

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